Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Palin Considers 2012, Christie Continues To Say “No” to Run – ABC and Politico - Palin’s Words Out of Context – A Personal Message to Palin – op-ed–

Christie and Palin - "No" and "Not No" to 2012 GOP Run - image Conservative New Jersey Dot Com

Last evening, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gave a riveting keynote address at the Reagan Forum last evening, following the red-meat, uplifting speech, the floor was opened to a Q&A – the Governor was not coy about his intentions to run for office, rather deferred to the website Politico where it has been repeatedly reported he has no intention of running for President. Christie, who won the NJ Special election in 2009, which was the first sign that there was a disconnect between the people and the tax and spend policy on both state and federal levels, has a fan base within the Republican Party, where he humbly accepted the very “flattering” suggestion that he run for President, and continues to hold out on running for the GOP nomination.

It is not so much that the GOP does not have a talented and capable group of men and women seeking the nomination, in so much that it is early in the process, (although it appears by all media standards and the powers that be (whoever that is), there is certainly time left for others to enter the race, which would only enhance the conversation – Cain, Romney, Perry, Gingrich, Bachmann, Santorum, and yes, even Ron Paul and John Huntsman are credible, given the fact that individually they are talented and inspiring politico’s, each with a unique style, however, all with fiscal conservative credentials that are critical to the 2012 general election.

Christie’s speech is available at and is well worth the time to watch.

The other “not yet announced” candidate, Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska, appeared on Fox News last night immediately following the coverage of Christie’s speech on that network. Palin, who, according to the New York Times is on the verge of a making her decision regarding a presidential run” - the article, which was published yesterday, is again, from this paper, solid reporting, rather than conjecture or caricature on the Governor, rather, pointing out the fact that polls show her leading among independents, and within 5 points of Obama” – all without having announced.

Her segment on the 10 pm eastern “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, is shown below. In the segment, Palin acknowledged that she must make a decision sooner than later, however, it appears that her only obstacle now, is not her family or her friends, but her own desire to affect positive change in this nation, and she is “on the fence” as to how best to achieve that goal. On the one hand, she notes that a campaign attempts to mold a candidate (having been under the watchful eyes of the RNC in the past), and she appears hesitant about entering that circus once again. Who could blame her? Between the RNC and the Media, Palin was placed between two egotistical organizations that are focused on intrigue and winning at any cost. (Be it a political race or a scoop (and a political race). Entering that snake pit, for the second time, is what millions of Palin Supporters are asking of her, and that appears to be the only barrier to her saying “yes to the stress and the press and the position”.

Can anyone blame her? No matter how one may feel about Palin, either pro or con, in the nations present state, under the present Administration and Congress, it appears that without a clear headed, simple solution leader, one that would not have love lost for either party, one cannot help but literally beg Palin to run – thus the “Run, Sarah, Run” that appears on blog post, and is shouted at rally’s where she appears. Once the video was hot off the Fox presses (see Video clip below) both Politicoand especially ABC News, took Palin’s words out of context. Apparently, not understanding that the gist of her take on the current candidates and the media, was one where the media was attempting to make a circus out of the nominating process. Note to both ABC and Politico: When Palin said: (Paraphrasing) that Herman Cain was the “flavor of the week”, she was referring to the media’s penchant for rising a candidate up and then tearing them down, as soon as it was evident a candidate was making headway within the pre-primary process. It was you, in the media that she was skewering, par usual, rather than any particular candidate. Yet, apparently, both Politico and ABC (or any other network including Fox) does not understand, or are too arrogant to care, that some news consumers, actually shop now – and can pick up the text of what he or she said – this behavior only lends to the distrust of the media.

Further, the ABC nitwit (and that is a kind turn of the phrase) who “blogged” on Palin’s 10 minute segment, had a blast with her use of the word Shackle, and other local colloquialism that those on the east and west coast are simply not acquainted. Words of wisdom from my mother, (usually aimed at yours truly when in youth, one is prone to make, what a 1930’s debutante might consider serious gaffe’s – and the choices one may make – in her era, that referred to the right marriage, the right career, the right friends, and so on): “There’s nothing more disconcerting than an over-educated fool” – appropriate more often than not in these later day cases where those who don’t know, just lash out before actually checking on a turn of phrase, or outright taking someone’s words out of context. ABC is lucky my mother was not standing in that newsroom.


Link to video:'

A Message to Sarah Palin: Although from this perspective, one can understand you have a family to consider, and that personally, not one of “us” has stepped a foot in your shoes, let alone a mile”, or has taken a beating which never ends from the press (let’s just call that vetting, as in the most vetted candidate), there are still more reasons for you, Governor to take the position as candidate, than to stand on the sidelines, motivating those who may be capable, but are they as capable? Will they stand up to both left and right, regardless of party, a respecter of persons, not politics? Will they be as honest with the American People? Will they be relentless in their fight for a fair press? It is not an easy task, nor is it considered so, rather, pragmatically, an entry into the area, would up the level of discourse, keeping those who may stray in line, shaping from within rather than from without, but never letting go of the capability to do both, and finally, with polls showing that independents will be the deciding factor in the upcoming elections, it is apparent that a candidate that is strong with independents should not hold back, rather should enter the race. We simply cannot afford another four years, regardless of the fact that the Senate may also flip and two houses will once again, be in concert – someone has to watch them, Governor, whether the majority are Republicans or Democrats, someone who has the background, and proven record of setting members of both parties on the right course. That would be you, Governor.

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