Monday, September 26, 2011

2012 GOP Update: Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll, SNL Spoofs Fox (and All Media) Debates, Chris Christie Ponders Run - Palin Silent

Cain and Gingrich - Take them Seriously - image

2012 GOP Presidential Candidate, Herman Cain, trounced the field of candidates, including Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, in what is being classified as a “surprise” win. One should understand that just perhaps, this early in the game (although by media standards it is “late” in the game” therefore, frontrunners must be chosen, except front runners, generally end up forgotten at this same period of time from an historical perspective), Cain’s future in the nominating process, along with Newt Gingrich, and, perhaps, just perhaps, other candidates who may yet enter, is not surprising, rather expected.

After the poor performance (from this perspective) of both “front runners”, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, in the last Fox debate, the balance of the field began to take on a whole new meaning to Conservatives, Republicans, Republican Leaning Independents, and yes, Republican leaning Democrats, who are now searching for who makes the most sense to lead this country forward – They understand there is no rush to jump on board with one candidate. Michelle Bachmann put it best at the Fox debate, when she noted that “Conservatives don’t have to settle” and “Obama’s poll numbers haven’t even reached bottom yet” (paraphrased from FOX news debate), as it very true this time. Perhaps that is why, from those who this blog snap polled immediately following the debate (and who make up a cross section of the aforementioned demographics, the big winners were Cain and Gingrich.

It is about choices: making the best choice to move the nation forward, and yes, there is still time for others to enter the debate arena, up until November of this year (filing deadlines).

Although one might want to look at straw polls in general as “paid polls for contestants, and fundraisers for local or state political parties”, there is some meaning to be derived from winning such a poll, those paying to be invested in the poll, as surrounded by the base of that party – in this case, the base in Florida was quite clear – Herman Cain was their choice.

An interesting aside: the debut of Saturday Night Live, featured a segment on “the 8th or 9th GOP Debate, using the usual comedic DNC talking points, in the intro, but the point was well taken: when watching the Fox Debate, it was evident that other than Perry and Romney, the other candidates were largely sidelined or ignored (giving CNN the win so far on debate management and production). Best lines awarded to Florida Straw Poll winner, Herman Cain, with a routine on Pizza delivery. One thing is evident, SNL needs to find less “tired” lead in jokes, and come up with something new – surely there are more than a few jabs of a comedic nature that, not unlike the pizza stunt, would have made this clip more entertaining.

Perhaps that will take place once New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, decides whether or not to run for the GOP brass ring, in a “few days”, unless of course, those anonymous tips that were used by Politico to push the “story” were pulling a leg somewhere. Christie, who won the seat as Governor in a special election in 2009, had already stated on several occasions that he was not interested, however, given the current field (Cain, Gingrich excepted – so far), then he may feel obligated to jump into the fray.

Silence from the Palin camp(aign)- So Far - image

Additionally, there has been virtual silence from Palin, who, of all candidates (or potential candidates), would be the only one with a clear record on taxes, governing, and yes, bonus, she can debate. Regardless of naysayers in the Republican establishment and skewed polls indicated she would lack Republican support (easily done if one uses a majority of Democrats for a sample – see Fox and McClatchy), the general fascination generated and evident in the MSN, what one does not see, more importantly - the grass roots in place for Palin which is – in two words: astonishing and intimidating. One has to ponder, when Palin is silent for an extended period of time, expect an announcement of some nature. She too has until November, and a smart strategy is to let the early front runners implode, especially when one has had time to organize.

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