Monday, April 11, 2011

China to USA – “Stop Exploiting Human Rights Issue To Interfere with Other Countries Internal Affairs” – Fear of Liberty - Opinion

Reuters: : The Chinese Foreign Ministry dismissed a US State State Department Report on Global Human Rights through their official news agency, Xinhau. An official statement published by that agency noted:

"Stop the domineering behavior of exploiting human rights to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries…"
"The United States ignores its own severe human rights problems, ardently promoting its so-called 'human rights diplomacy', treating human rights as a political tool to vilify other countries and to advance its own strategic interests."

The agency went one step further citing the United States failure to protect its citizens from violent crime and racism as part of their statements. (Reuters) It boggles the mind that statements such as these are made in total sincerity by a nation that is ruled with an iron fist and anyone citizen that dares to disagree with the Chinese government is jailed. It is a far cry from the freedoms enjoyed within the boundaries of the United States, which is why millions are willing to break our laws in order to set foot on U.S. soil. One has to be grateful for the rights we, as American’s, take for granted: freedom of speech and freedom to practice a religion of choice, without fear of persecution are two that come to mind immediately. In nations in the Middle East, in Africa and China, those are freedoms that simply do not exist. As to racism, one cannot deny that racism exists in the United States, but it is the individual not the state, that is the culprit. Furthermore, to the extent that we, as a nation and as a people elect individuals of every racial and ethnic and religious background to represent us in our government, is proof of the greater good inherent in the individual who makes up the whole of the Democratic Republic of the United States of America.

To accuse those in the United States Government of exploiting human rights in order to gain some sort of advantage in another nation made by the Chinese government is ludicrous and highlights the fact that they obviously do not understand, or understand all to clearly perhaps, the way our nation views the importance of every individual. It is fear of their own people understanding our freedoms and the subsequent loss of power over the individual that prompts nations to cry foul when the U.S. government condemn actions that remove the slightest liberty that we enjoy.

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