Monday, April 11, 2011

2012 – GOP: Huckabee on Ingraham re: Trump: I think he’s a very serious contender – I think he’s going to get in – Romney Forms Exploratory Committee

On the Laura Ingraham Show today, in an interview with Mike Huckabee former Govenor of Arkansas and 2008 Presidential Candidate, Huckabee stated “I think he’s a very serious contender – I think he’s going to get in” in reference to Donald Trump. The clip appears below. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts announced his intent to form an exploratory committee with the FEC: From the Romney Press Release:

“Today, Mitt Romney formed the Romney for President Exploratory Committee with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) as a first step in a campaign for the 2012 Republican nomination for President of the United States. While this step does not constitute a formal announcement of candidacy, it allows Governor Romney to be in compliance with the requirements of federal election law as he begins to raise the funds necessary to explore a potential candidacy.”

As the White House takes aim at Donald Trump, which they would not bother if he weren’t of concern, and the “endorsement” from Mike Huckabee, who is the strongest GOP contender in the majority of national polls, Trump appears to be in good position for a formal announcement in June. The fact that Huckabee also did not dismiss a role as a vice president, when questioned by Ingraham speaks volumes. The timing of the Romney announcement in respect to the rise of Trump also is an acknowledgement that Trump is one more nod at Trumps current position nationally.

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