Friday, April 08, 2011

Donald Trump from The Today Show on NBC to This Sunday’s CNN State of the Union, Trump Takes on the Media – A Serious Man for Serious Times - Opinion

NBC’s morning talk show, “The Today Show”, featured a two part interview with Donald Trump, the 2012 GOP “possible” Candidate – the big question, is he going to run and is he serious. In both segments it is obvious that Trump is serious about running for the highest office, and in addition, he feels that he has no choice but to run. It is, at times, while viewing the clips, almost as if Trump would rather not, and he appears somewhat saddened at the prospect, yet resolute that he should run for the job. It is specifically in the first part of the interview that one has the sense that Trump means “business”, and the fact that he must wait until his “Celebrity Apprentice” ends to declare his candidacy, is not out of the ordinary, considering the balance of the top GOP possible that have yet to enter are in a similar situation. Trump’s however is not contractual, as is Mike Huckabee, who is under contract with Fox, and currently touring with a new book to weigh polls and his options. The Celebrity Apprentice, which airs of NBC, on will end early June (if the program follows the previous season), is the main reason given by Trump for not declaring earlier. The program features celebrities competing in business projects with the goal of winning for a favorite charity. Apparently, Trump feels it would be a disservice to many to end the show early by declaring – and as he is known as a philanthropist, it makes sense. He gives one interested in a Trump presidency the sense that Trump will complete a project, that he is decisive, and additionally, not intimidated by any Today Show “journalist” (or anyone else for that matter.)(The Today Show is not necessarily hard news, rather a “talk show format”.)

Trump, to his credit, not only stands up to the show host, specifically regarding the subject of President Obama’s birth certificate, a topic that Trump notes is of concern, but overall, not of great import. He holds the believe that the President may not have been born in the United States, a believe held by a growing segment of the U.S. population. (Fox News Polls: 1 in 4 Americans do not believe that Obama was born in the United States). The fact that Trump, like Chris Matthews of MSNBC, has suggested the President show his actual birth certificate, appears to be a key issue for those interviewing Trump, apparently certain show hosts cannot get past the fact that he even questions Obama’s legitimacy to be President. Trump, on the other hand, had no problem pushing past the issue, and forced the host to continue – he can handle the press, a key ingredient for a Presidential candidate.

The key points of the interview in total: Trump wishes he didn’t have to run, but sees no other recourse in order to save the country, Trump wishes Obama had been a competent President (paraphrased), Trump understands business, and it is his brand of business (making deals and leadership) that would be the cornerstone of his presidency, America comes first, and he knows he can win (although in the second part of the video, he appears humble at the thought when saying, if I were to be elected – which, is somewhat refreshing. In addition, he debunks those who insist he will not disclose his “financials”, by talking about how proud he would be to do so, as his business model is extremely successful. The final point, the show’s hosts, after the interview, nervously (and this is the key), laugh off the fact that Trump is contemplating run, - he appears serious! Both hosts, specifically Meredith Vieira looks a little perplexed, given the fact that Trump basically ran her over in the interview (both segments).

It is suggested that the video is watched (both segments) as one gets a sense of who Trump is in the field of potential candidates, and how he would stack up – which is why, as more of these segments air, and Trump gives his direct and commanding answers to sometimes ridiculous questions, his poll numbers climb. How serious is the Trump candidacy? Trump is schedule to appear on CNN”s “State of the Nation” this Sunday because, as the clip previews, he “appears to be serious about running for President”.

Trump is no Ronald Reagan, there was only one Ronald Reagan, and in previous blog posts, it was noted that the 2008 clump of candidates all tried to “out-Reagan” one another – which made for a side show of sorts. Trump, in the final segment with Meredith Vieira, was asked about George Washington and he noted, Washington didn’t even know he was George Washington – Trump, will not be Ronald Reagan, Trump will not be George Washington, Trump will be Donald Trump, and a growing, cross-section of the voting public (despite his great showing in early polls on the GOP side, which is obviously of import, as he needs to get through the primary and nominated as the Republican Party’s candidate in order to run for President, try asking a cross section of neighbors how they feel about Trump for President: in Massachusetts, despite political ideology, despite race or ethnicity, despite being “non-scientific”, Trump is considered a “can do guy” who would lead this nation out of economic disaster. In other words, his appeal is broad-based, which is threatening to those “journalists” who are ideologically tied to a non-Trump political camp. Should Trump run, and he is obviously weighing this, seriously, in noting he would rather not, but sees no choice, as he finds no other competent candidate, (his assessment is most likely based on business acumen and leadership of all other potential candidates, and looking at the field, one might be tempted to agree with Trump – which may be why there has been no breakaway candidate from the crop of “potentials”.) In this scenario Trump takes the GOP nomination, and should he take the GOP nomination he will take the Presidency. To those who are on the left side ideologically, one finds a good deal of vitriol, not because the man is a “joke” as some might say, but because they are aware, he will, with the backing of a variety of the American public, be the next President of the United States.
Who would not want to see the debates between Obama and Trump? The debate would feature Common Sense, Business Acumen and the “regular guy” against ideology, an elitist and a teleprompter gone bad – which one would Trump the other given a weary American public? Asked and answered.

CNN’s segment should be one of those “must watch” Trump Interviews (although pre-tapped, but must give that one a grain of salt – however, given the propensity of the press to “edit” pre-taped interviews, of which Trump is aware, one can be the House, should anything be changed or “enhanced”, he’ll come out swinging – with his own copy of the interview.)

NBC Today Show Part 1

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NBC Today Show Part 2

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CNN – Previews – Interview with Donald Trump State of the Nation
Link: Preview here



  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Part 1:

    My questions would be, why for over 3 years has the media refuse to conduct basic investigative journalism and ask the simple questions pertaining to his (Obama) sealed background? Are those in the media somehow "embarrassed" to ask such basic questions?

    The current information known and provided by Obama would not allow a citizen to join the military, receive a drivers license, join their children into a little league baseball team, boy/girl scouts, obtain a U.S. passport or even apply for a job in the private sector. But for the media, the lack of such is good enough to run for President of the United States, have your finger on the Nuclear button, design foreign policies, create national policies, approve and push National legislation, approve and support Supreme Court justices, Czars, Economic policies, and according to the media and many politicians on all sides, its none of our business to ask basic simple questions that the media refuses to do? Who are the nuts?

    In fact, if proven as such, that Obama is not legitimate and qualified under Article 2 section 5, then all policies are null and void. His entire policies, foreign and domestic are a past and his removal of office would be of the greatest disgrace to this Country. Is that what the media fears? The removal and exposure of the first half African half White person a total dismal failure, not qualified to serve, and the greatest fraud ever committed in the history of America. It is not a matter of "if" but only a matter of "when" he is exposed.

    Lets beg the question pertaining to Trump briefly. Although a past National poll shows 25% of Americans question Obama's birth story, other polls show that nearly 71% of the Republican party have dire concerns and question Obama's Birth Story as well as nearly 56% of the independent party, all of which demand his records, all of them.

    While many key republicans call such citizens "crazy", "Nut cases" "foolish", "uneducated" and "ill-informed", I wonder if the Democrat party would ever use such derogatory name calling to 71 percent of their voters? Who is the nut? Talk about a party splitting action and a huge significant gain of supporters for Trump asking the basic questions and demand the proof Citizens have asked for 3 years.

    Thinking of only myself momentary, If my future job prospect required me to show proof of my long form Birth Certificate and proof of my additional records, passport information, college records, ect. All which costs me less than 15 dollars and a few phone calls to grant permission to release, yet I refuse and spend nearly 2 million dollars to block them claiming privacy rights, would I not be considered the nut and not the company asking the basic questions?

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Part 2:

    Lets not forget, as the media does, that the so called "Birther" term was derived and appointed to the Democrats when they challenged in court that John McCain was not Constitutionally eligible to serve as President since he was born outside the U.S. jurisdiction. This led to senate resolution 511, which is non-binding. Thereafter, it was requested of Obama, by the citizens, to release all his records as well, of which he refused, thereby now dubbing the republican citizens as birthers. It did not begin with republicans nor Obama, they both have birth issues, but will end there.

    Lastly, to belittle, conform otherwise of misleading statements, either by the press or politicians, thereby claiming citizens of the United States have no rights to confirm whether or not a person is eligible to serve as the President, is beyond words and expressions.

    Does anyone know whether or not Obama accepted any foreign Scholarships while a student? Can we ask that question and should the media and citizens ask as well, plus request such a release? Certainly.

    With a known 4 different ways to obtain a COLB in Hawaii, only 1 of which from a hospital birth, and list a person with a birth "record" and "index" and "notations" within records, including those born outside the jurisdiction of the State of Hawaii, do U.S. Citizens have a right to question which one did Obama obtain? Especially since neither Hospital will claim his birth? Not to count that through research, during several year span before and after 1961, well over a thousand births outside Hawaii, were issued the same COLB as Obama?

    Why does the media tout the Hawaiian newspapers as "Proof" being born in Hawaii, when to the basic researcher of Hawaiian laws in 1961, understands that those born in a Hawaiian hospital, the hospital itself sent the records to the Department of Health, and those person not born in a Hospital, filed a birth with the Department of heath to obtain a Birth registration, and those filing to register a birth not born in the jurisdiction of Hawaii, but residents, also files with the DOH, and the DOH, sends all "registered" requests weekly to the newspaper, not the hospital, which included those not born in the hospital. 10 min. of 1961 Hawaiian laws would show that to the avid researcher. Yet, the media, claims it comes directly from the hospital, proven Obama was born in the Hospital. I guess that doesn't say much for the newspaper that announced the same for those born in Japan, China, Montana and the likes, yet also reported in the newspaper.

    Basic investigative journalism is a part of the past, and not to be resurrected anytime soon, that part is obvious.

    Its a good thing Obama and staff were not accused of secretly recording a meeting with the republican party, otherwise we would have to impeach him and the media would be going wild over investigative questions and book signing deals. But as they say, too many "other" things are important, jobs, economy, wars and the likes. Also a good thing Nixson didn't have such things to worry about, such as wars, economy, jobs and the likes. Wouldn't want the stress to hit too high with simple requests now would we?

  3. It does not matter if Trump doubts the authenticity of the birth records of the state of Hawaii. It does not matter if he doubts whether President Obama was physically born in Hawaii, Barack Obama is a citizen by law no matter how he tries to slice it. Now let's move on once and for all.


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