Friday, October 08, 2010

It’s All About 2012 - Obama Stumps for Re-Election at Bowie State in MD – Student Calls Obama a “Liar” from the Crowd – Removed

On October 7th, Obama paid a visit to Bowie State University in MD, one of the oldest African-American Teachers Colleges in the Nation. The event, according to the University Website, was open to the public, and had been publicized by local Maryland Media, including a Map of the upcoming visit courtesy of the Baltimore Sun”.

During the speech, a student shouted “You’re a Liar” from the crowd - (video below) – and was summarily shoved by what appeared to be a non-student. The video-tape appears to be staged in an attempt to judge reaction – and, at an event billed as “open to the public”, with a sitting President, who had been elected to lead all the people, free speech is obviously not an option.

Aside from the fact that the student in the video and the videographer, appeared to take a substantial risk inserting themselves into a crowd of Obama supporters (see Obama for America t-shirt clad individuals in video), what was most telling about this particular video was the content of the speech.

Allegedly at Bowie to rally students to get out the vote – the crowd, which by this particular video appeared somewhat thin compared to prior rallies at the same location, was treated to a stump speech by the President about - the President. “Me” was used a great deal – as well as the tired “Party of No” that has been used ad naseum by Democrats. Paraphrasing: “they said no to middle class tax cuts”, “they wanted me to fail”, “if I said the moon was blue, they would say no”, and so on.

Apparently, the President is counting on the ability of youth to be disengaged from the rest of the world, enough so that his message will be embraced. The University Stump is apparently the only venue, other than a few select “back yard” meetings, that the President is headlining prior to the mid-term elections. That could be due to the fact that most embattled Democrats want Obama as far away from them as possible, unless completely desperate, as in the case of Wisconsin’s , Russ Feingold, who is currently trailing his Republican opponent by 12 points. In that case, they head to the Universities in the hopes that students will get out and vote. Although students were used in the 2008 campaign successfully, the change in the economy and what is at stake (the mid-terms) may keep them away from the polls. It is not as if, Obama were running, and from Bowie State’s stump speech, it appears that’s the plan.

As to the “No to Middle Class Tax Cuts”, one would either have to live in a vacuum or be one of those very dummied down University students in order not to understand that the Party of No, wanted to stay in session in order to protect the tax cuts, and were joined by 39 like minded Democrats, while the majority (last vote Nancy Pelosi) would rather go home and try to hold onto their Congressional Seats, allowing all tax cuts to expire. This selfish move not only insured an increase in payroll taxes come January 1st for all U.S. workers, but also put Business in a mood to freeze all hiring – indefinitely as they have no idea of what the bottom line will be.

Although not widely publicized in the national press, this “break” to go home and campaign that will cost the American worker dearly, is general knowledge among the working class who are discussing the ramifications and know exactly who was behind the “stall”. Therefore, while the Congressional Democrats are at home, attempting in most cases to avoid talking about the stand they took with Pelosi and Obama, Obama is on the University Trail talking about – Obama to dwindling crowds of students and “the general public”.

It is no wonder that, even in the bluest states, Republican candidates for the first time since, the 1930’s, are actually expecting to do more than run an opposition campaign that is “doomed to fail” as the beltway pundits predict “Safe Democrat”. These Republicans in Wisconsin, Colorado, California, Minnesota, Massachusetts and Connecticut now expect to win. Which begs the question, “who’s zooming who?” (Gotta love Aretha Franklin) - As Obama attempts to begin his 2012 campaign. He is either as dense as the students whom he hopes to rally, or so detached from reality that there is no “hope” – one almost feels sorry for the man who has taken Jimmy Carter’s place in the minds of most of the electorate as the most incompetent CEO in the history of the Presidency.

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