Friday, October 08, 2010

2010 Update - Richard Neal(D-MA) - Reinstated GM Dealership– Erects Giant Neal ‘For Congress" Sign on Heavily Traveled District Roadway

One Hand Helps Another, Neal for Congress Sign on Reinstated GM Dealers Lot
During the bailout of GM (which came to be known as Government Motors), hundreds of dealerships across the country were closed. One of many in Massachusetts was Bob Pion Pontiac. In March of this year, The Springfield
Republican Reported:

After prodding from U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal, D-Springfield, General Motors Corp. reversed course and has reinstated Bob Pion as a Buick and GMC dealer.

Several comments under the article are telling: aside from the fact that Neal helped out a local business, with the intent to save jobs, and possibly Government Motors at the same time, (and a Local Photo opp in an election year as a bonus) it appears as if the Company (GM), now owned by the Federal Government took marching orders from the Congressman, who was able to “pursued” GM to reinstate one dealership over another. (Not All GM Dealerships were reinstated, some were said to have lost their Franchise due to Political Affiliation see Ohio Dealership struggle here)

The sign (shown below) is prominently displayed on the dealership lot at a major intersection leading to connectors to Routes 90 and 391. This heavily traveled area, also known as the “Crossroads to New England” brings in shoppers from all over the Hamden Second District.

It is the “good old boy” one hand washes the other, appearance brought about by the sign on the Dealers lot that may leave a “bad taste” in some potential voter’s mouth.

What’s the big deal? It really depends upon how strongly one feels either for or against an incumbent this term. It was a real test of friendship on the part of Pion, as far as attracting clientele who may have stopped in, but for the obvious plus for the Congressman. Others might just shrug their shoulders and consider the fact that it’s “politics as usual” in the Commonwealth.

Richard Neal will face Republican, Tom Wesley, in the November 2nd election. Wesley has been unsuccessful in convincing Congressman Neal to debate in a Town Hall Style format.

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