Thursday, October 07, 2010

Hillary Clinton – No to Obama VP Rumors 2012 – 2012 Presidential Run Possible.

Recent musings by the Washington Post’s, Bob Woodward projected a possible switch of Vice-Presidents for Obama, from Biden to Hillary Clinton based on “"Some of Hillary Clinton's advisers see it as a real possibility in 2012,”..

Clinton did not take long to dispel that particular myth (see video below), denying any intent to run as Barack Obama’s Vice President in 2012. That does not mean, however, that Clinton will rule out a run for the Oval office in 2012. A recent Gallop poll shows Obama leading Clinton in a 2012 matchup by 52 to 37 % noting that polls taken this far out from an election may not be entirely accurate. For examples they cited early polling for 2008 showing Giuliani and McCain tied as well as polling showing Clinton clearly ahead of Obama. In the Clinton – Obama case, but for the Super delegates at the Democrat Convention, that poll would have been correct.

That said, this far out from a 2012 election, polling with a double digit deficit among Democrats or Republicans has little meaning – and circumstances now suggest that the Democrats could use some solid leadership, as well as a candidate that would appeal to more moderate to conservative independents and or Democrats who are not specifically “progressive”. Gallop goes on to point out that Obama has noted he may be a one-term president and given the current mood of the electorate, that is an increasing probability.

Therefore, who better than Clinton to fill the void and give the Democrat party some slight hope of retaining at least one branch of the Government in 2012?

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