Wednesday, June 14, 2006

State of the Union

With President Bush's recent trip to Iraq (New York Times Front Page Assessment)a success (although granted US media is giving his some credit, but very little), the recent killing of terrorist Al Zarqawi and the stunning reports on the nations economy for the last quarter as solid for yet another quarter in a long string of quarters, what is the opposition party to do?

Add to the woes of the DNC, the non-indictment of Karl Rove and all adds up to a sounding re-defeat in the November elections.

Which, although still many months away, the broader a smile one sees on New Gingrichs face, the more one can determine that regional and local polls are giving the RNC something to smile about.

In other news: Hillary Clinton is booed at a liberal convention in Washington DC for her rather hawkish stance on the Iraq war; while John Kerry condemns politician's who want their cake and eat it too; sticking to his "withdraw the troops now" line.

Yes, the nation is divided on the Iraq situation, as well as other issues, however, when one of the leading major political parties is divided, how can it plan to compete?

The marginalization of the DNC will continue unless and until they find someone, anyone who will appeal to middle America, is electable (unlike Senator Clinton), and shows signs of being semi-rational.

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