Sunday, June 11, 2006

and on the Seventh Day

thing are pretty much the same as they were on all of the other days of the week.
The mainstream media is jumping to the left with the entire mission leading to the death of terrorist, Al Zawqawi. One NBC (it figures) station out of Ohio reports that US Troops Beat the terrorist to death. God forgive me but - Good and do you blame our troops? - It would not surprise me if they did not arrive home, form a coalition and beat a few other people up - I'd help them. A good slap in the face is called for today. A wake up and smell the coffee, you despicable, pandering politicians. Either they are speaking to their base, or they have jumped over the hedge of reality.

I believe the later - in fact, they are so far over the hedge, that they have taken one conservative with them; albeit temporarily. Ann Coulter. Her new book, Godless, the Church of Liberalism, is as usual, brilliant. The one thing to notice is that Ann has become even more hurtfully witty than in previous tomes. It is with an almost urgent necessity that she attacks every single pathetic individual that the left deems as holy. The problem as I see it is that - it is fine for those on the left to speak of those on the right in terms of expletives, however, when one on the right, says anything remotely over the line, but yet still amusing, they are demonized. If you have bought one of Ms. Coulter's books before, buy this one, you'll be amazed. If you read, get the book, she makes a critical point about liberals in general. It is a belief I have held for quite some time and that is that liberalism (perhaps that is not the correct term, but as a label, it will do) is a peudo-political religious cult. Those that profess to be liberals, (not to be confused with Democrats, although some Democrats in positions without our very government are afflicted), usually hold onto one mantra, and cannot sway from the script or they will indeed falter. Not that the same can't be said of the right, but, it is from a cult, and normally, those on the right.. have a mind of their own.

Then again, one of the more left posters on MassLife, the Springfield Ma., newspaper website, was a "What WMD's? Blood for Oil!" poster. There were no supporting arguments, just one liners, straight from Arianna Huffington's website or the Daily Kos. This same individual has had a change of heart, only now he uses terms such as "Moonbats" (meaning liberals). It may take a while for that person to realize that they do have an opinion of their own, and in spite of what higher education tells its ranks of graduates: the masses aren't that easily controlled.

If the masses were so easily controlled, then Republican Party membership would not be up, ratings for alternative media sources would not be through the roof, and everyone and their brother wouldn't eye each report, down to tea local level with suspicion.

With that, the next hysterical item that I found last week, was that Congressmen, "I hate the troops so much" Murtha, wants to become the DNC Speaker, if they gain control of the house. Watch out Nancy, someone just as crazy as you has his eye on your job. Rueter's has the story. I'm still chuckling. If you have to ask why I'm laughing, or Newt Gingrich for that matter, two points:
the DNC taking control of both houses in the fall and Murtha, as leader of the party.

The only thing more amusing than that is - can't think of anything at the moment!

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