Saturday, June 17, 2006

What’s Up with Iraq and the DNC?

There have been continued successes in Iraq this past week as a direct result of the brilliant assault and demise of Al Qaeda mastermind Zarqawi.

A huge "treasure-trove" of intelligence was reported found at the scene. Apparently, said Zarqawi kept his entire date book on a thumb drive in his pocket. How convenient.

For the Iraqi government and coalition forces.

The thumb drive contained information about instigating a war between Iran and the USA (Breitbart-click here) . They also complained about how the USA was undermining Al Qaeda by holding their funds, diminishing their recruitment goals and basically rendering the terror organization ineffective.Text of document - a "treasure-trove" indeed.

Iraq’s new government has stepped up to the plate and more responsibility is being taken by the Iraqi military and police. Iraqi forces, without coalition aid, carried out a good portion of raids on insurgents and the number of Iraqi led raids with no coalition support continues to increase. Associated Press on raids resulting from Zarqawi intel

Good news for our troops, for the Administration and especially the American citizens who have supported both in the War on Terror.

As the DNC squirms and attempts to diminish any joy that a citizen might take from a general success; the infighting continues.

Murtha announced he would make a run for the house majority seat should the Democrats take back the house. Apparently Pelosi, who is a little more centrist (reality check please) than Mr. Murtha, has squelched that revolution. Did the fact that Mr. Murtha may be called to testify about his statements re: Marines killing innocents in cold blood, in a case regarding alleged assaults on Iraqi citizens Washington Times cause Mr. Murtha to back off of Pelosi? Following in John Kerry's footsteps is difficult to say the least. Mr. Anti-America has been beating up our troops since the early 1970's. Apparently, Mr. Kerry feels if it worked in the 1970's, it should work today. He found out otherwise in the 2004 elections; (he lost, Bush won) apparently he hasn't learned his lesson.

So, who is listening to the likes of Kerry and Murtha? - The marine brass who have been holding seven marines and one navy medic in chains and shackles under deplorable conditions; without a charge being levied, at Camp Pendleton. The Marines were being questioned regarding an incident in Iraq where on Iraqi insurgent was killed. With mounting pressure from certain characters like Murtha and Kerry; the Marines, caught up in a hailstorm of anti-war, anti-marine rhetoric -- over-reacted and caused 8 men, their families and the US a grievous disservice. Innocent until proven guilty; that's somewhere in our constitution, surely Martha and Kerry can locate a copy? For full coverage visit
Michelle Malkin's blog

Also, this week, tax revenues increased by 12.5%, the budget deficit was reduced dramatically, and Karl Rove is not, repeat, not going to jail.

The DNC needed a plan and Pelosi came up with one:

"Our new direction will advance a common agenda, seek common ground, and apply common sense in the service of the common good. We know that with a new direction, we can meet our national challenges in a way that makes our nation stronger, our economy more vibrant, and our families more secure. Instead of record deficits, we will go in this new direction in a fiscally sound way. We will make America more competitive and not heap mountains of debt on future generations." Nancy Pelosi’s website has more of the same. Nowhere in this “new plan” touting new common ground and service to the common good is there a mention of covering our common behinds in the event of oh, a terror attack, hurricane, or other such disaster. The party that had ideals at one point is now reaching back into the rhetoric pantry instead of actually coming up with anything concrete. It saddens me.

The party of my father is living in the past, denying the future, and crying foul, "Bush did it!” at every opportunity instead of coming up with something new, fresh, and inspiring.
How do they intend to pay for all of their new programs? How exactly, to they intend to “fix” everything? – They lay no groundwork, only espouse ideals. One can hear the strains of Kerry’s, “I have a plan” fading in the background. They point to the deficit, yet for any alive in the 1970’s under the Carter administration, it is the same plan and it will have the same results: Gas lines, unemployment, interest rates at 21% for new home purchases, and absolutely zero foreign policy.

Recently while walking my dog, I ran into a neighbor who likes to go round with me about the current state of affairs. Apparently, keeping a quasi eye on the rifts between our two national political parties, and aware of my thesis that one is about to become irrelevant, this independent minded man has decided to vote for any democrat just to level things out. I didn't have the heart to tell him that we live in Massachusetts and he would be hard pressed to find a republican for which to cast his vote. In other words, the DNC is now receiving pity votes?

If the current trends continue - more success in Iraq, more success on the border (versus placing troops where they belonged on September 12th, 2001), no indictments within the administration, a stronger economy, etc. – and there is no indication that it should not continue, it follows that 2006 will be a repeat of 2004, even with the occasional pity vote caste.

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