Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Saharan Dust Storm – Natural Consequence – Tampers Down Threat from Tropical Storms in Atlantic

The Saharan Dust Storm - Image from NBC

From Accuweather: A massive Saharan dust storm is making its way across the Atlantic Ocean westward (towards the US). There is a video available on The event occurs during the summer

Saharan dust blows across the Atlantic a few times most summers, sometimes reaching southern Florida. Dust storms and rising warm air can lift the fine Saharan sand 15,000 feet or so above the African deserts. Winds carry the dust westward. Larger particles fall out as the dust crosses the Atlantic. But the smaller particles can cause problems an ocean away.


It is expected to discourage tropical storm formation as it makes its way across the Atlantic (Baltimore Sun), and

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Graduate of the Elms College, Chicopee, MA, BA History, Industry Careers: Steel and Aluminum, Health Insurance, Writer (Fashion Publication), Advertising - Media Analysis and writer (In that order) Independent, somewhat conservative, somewhat liberal, depending upon the issue. Older than dirt, young at heart. "As sane as a grain of wheat" at times. (quote: unkown) Education: ABA Business Administration/Marketing BA History
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