Thursday, August 08, 2013

John Walsh – MASS DNC Chair – Leaves to Chair Patrick PAC – No Hint of Bay State Replacement – Ground Troops and Retail Politics – An Opportunity for the RNC and MASS GOP to Lose

The Bay State in 2013 Markey-Gomez Election - not entirely a blue state - image: Daily Kos

A somewhat interesting piece appeared in the Boston Globe – an opinion column by Joan Vennochi, who suggests the sun and moon rises over John Walsh – the title “John Walsh’s rhapsody in blue” speaks to the Walsh victories, Deval Patrick’s campaign for Governor and use by those methods (“yes we can”) by the Obama Campaign in 08, the win of Elizabeth Warren, et al. Since Mr. Walsh is going to head the outgoing Governor, Deval Patrick’s Federal PAC, one can anticipate that Walsh is heading to DC in short order.

Patrick has continued to claim he is not running for President (that mantle will go to either Hillary Clinton, or the Professor (yes, Elizabeth Warren), but they need strong Progressives on the national level to make sure that happens – who will be up for the DNC Chair? – Patrick? It’s a possibility.

What of Massachusetts? There is no clue as to who will replace Walsh, who was brought into the State DNC Specifically to run the State Party, according to Blue Mass Group and there are no replacements in mind. One had better hope, if one is a Democrat, that Walsh’s Replacement is of the same cut of cloth, not necessarily in Venocchi’s description of the Bible According to John Walsh, where Democrats actively campaign for higher taxes, but the retail, door knocking, aggressive, get out the vote style of Massachusetts Democrat Campaigns that have been the staple as long as time remembers.

That has been the downfall of opposition parties, the MASS GOP and the National GOP – who place a focus on fundraising rather than the mechanics of winning a race. The lack of poll-watcher, drivers, and door knockers on the ground in certain states and precincts of import has been like watching fish in a barrel for decades. The campaign of a Republican in Massachusetts, can’t be won without the hard work of disgruntled Democrats (See Scott Brown) – One needs those union members behind them (regardless of whether or not on the face of things – they support the Democrat candidate). That and the use of similar tactics would be the only way to level the playing field in Massachusetts, and elect a Republican to the White House in 2016. Of course, on that note, they may want to insure that the candidate is acceptable to that group of 20 million or so evangelicals who may or may not vote for a Catholic or a Mormon, or a suggestion from a prominent church leader that allowing Barrack Obama to win, and destroy the nation, would somehow gain more converts and destroy the Democrats) and, sit out a race entirely (See 2008 and 2012).

Miracles do happen, and depending upon who is sitting in the Mass DNC Chair, should they have the level of confidence, and the ability to be a 1950’-1960’s retail, ground troop, smart guy with a lot of pull, then nothing will change. If that person is a moonbat and somewhat competent, then there is a huge opening that is the RNC’s to lose. The fact that the national Party ignores the Bay State and gives it up for “lost” before a race begins, is one of the pivotal mistakes the National Party makes. Upending the Bays State would have a ripple effect throughout the country, especially as concerns increased morale, and decreased morale, depending upon which party is winning or losing.

It should prove interesting, however predictable, as the status quo, regardless of competence in the Chair seat, will most likely, the same remain.

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