Thursday, August 22, 2013

Egyptian Media Opines Western Media Pays No Attention to Persecution of Christians – only Lauds Muslim Brotherhood. – Mubarak – Free from Prison Under House Arrest.

In an op-ed piece from the, comes an opinion piece that is worth the read – suggesting that there is less attention paid to Muslim Brotherhood’s atrocities against Egyptian Christians, and more of a propping up of the organization. The piece is titled “The True Face of the Muslim Brotherhood”.

As this is State-run media, one gets the impression with the Brotherhood on the outs with the majority rule, one might understand that Egypt’s previous secular society was more in tune with the nation’s prosperity and openness, rather than living in what was an attempt at a “Muslim State”.

Additionally, the same agency is reporting that former President Mubarak is no longer imprisoned but under house arrest, much to the dismay of the various Muslim political parties.

Apparently, for all the meddling and propping up of the Brotherhood by certain politicians outside of Egypt, the Egyptians have decided upon their own path and government. A new constitution is reportedly in the works and should be released next week.

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