Friday, August 23, 2013

Egypt Continues Towards Democracy – Arrests 75 Brotherhood Leaders

From the Eyptian Independent: An additional 75 arrests of Mulsin Brotherood leaders took place - There may be more to follow:

The interior minister stressed that the crackdown would continue until all wanted figures had been captured, following a series of arrest warrants issued for senior Brotherhood figures.

State television reported on Thursday afternoon that another significant Brotherhood figure would be arrested shortly, without elaborating.

Security forces have arrested a number of Islamist figures over the past few days, among them the Muslim Brotherhood's Supreme Guide Mohamed Badei and prominent Islamist preacher, Safwat Hegazy. Both stand accused of inciting violence in clashes between the security forces and Morsy supporters in the wake of forced dispersals of Brotherhood-linked sit-ins in Cairo.

With the turmoil in the Middle East being tied to the radical factions of Islam, where there is little to no freedom under the theocracies that are literally political-religious organizations – Egypt has apparently rejected the attempt by the Muslim Brotherhood to impose that form of government in their nation. Does the world really need any more Iran’s? It also appears they are making progress without any outside influences - Refreshing!

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