Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sarah Palin - On the New Media and Obligation to Tell The Truth

Sarah Palin, speaking at the "Right Online conference in Las Vegas", delivered yet another inspiration speech on the power of the press - or in reality - the Power of the New Press, as defined by Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart, and perhaps millions of bloggers, pointing out fact versus the fiction one most often sees or hears or reads in what has become known as "The Mainstream Media". If one has not had the opportunity, or dismissed taking the opportunity due to political prejudice, to listen to Palin deliver a speech, this is the time to take ten minutes and watch and listen to the woman who, although maligned by the likes of Couric and Company, is one of the wisest of politico's - and surprisingly non-partisan (for all the Rhetoric). The speech and introduction below are courtesy of Real Clear Politics, via "The Right Scoop". There are times in history, when one individual has the ability to affect many in a positive manner, and with Palin, that is exactly who she is - a warrior for the truth, a later day Boudica or Boudicca who is fearless in her delivery, passionate in her cause to see our nation move forward, and who is an inspiration to those who would help to effect change.

This is not about one of the two Dominant Political Parties, that have appeared to meld into one - rather about individual responsibility to keep them, and the "Mainstream Media" honest - in order for generations to understand that there is a struggle, and that the "Press" and the ability for the "Press" to exist as it does under our most venerable document - the Constitution - extends beyond the power houses of print and broadcast - to the kitchen table, the college dorm. She goes further, noting that we can, indeed, be organizers and in person effect change.

Powerful, determined, and stalwart in her love for the United States of American, Sarah Palin is one to be admired and perhaps one of our greatest American political forces.

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