Friday, June 15, 2012

Presidential Campaign Kick-off! Romney Sense of Humor – Bus Circles Obama Campaign Honking Horn – Obama 54 Minute Speech Against Bush - Bores Press

Romney Bus on a Roll – Around Obama Speech – Side Reads: Conservative Business Leader – image CNN

The Romney and Obama Campaigns have hit the ground running – well, driving in the case of Mitt Romney – in circles – around Obama’s Campaign Kick-off speech. From: Weasel Zippers blog ”Romney Campaign Bus Drives Circles Around Obama Speech Site Honking Its Horn” shows that although he may appear “stuffy” to some, he has a sense of humor – one that apparently does not sit well with CNN who referred to the campaign as ”Political Carnival” begging the question: Who’s stuffy now?

As the press turns – the daily drama of trying to defend Obama or his campaign – the “Hollywood Hype” can be seen on the local 11 PM News (CBS Affiliates) as if it were “special” – yes this sensational Tour for Cash – received a bit of sarcasm as a “shake-down” by the President for the $40,000 ticket price at the recent Sarah Jessica Parker/Wintour event in NY (ABC New)

Obama drones on in Cleveland - about Bush Policy - seriously - image MSNBC

Obama’s speech (with Mitt and his circling bus), was panned by the press – as overly long, tired and “been there, done that” - The New York Observer:

Prior to President Barack Obama’s marathon 54 minute speech in Ohio today, the Obama campaign sent our several statements promising the speech would be a major address framing the campaign going forward. Despite the hype, the speech was mainly a rehash of themes and ideas from the president’s recent stump speeches and his remarks were widely panned as overly long by the political press corps.

This followed by tweets that offer insight into the pain and suffering of the journalists covering the event.

For a full summary of the President’s Speech visit the Examiner – - apparently the Obama campaign plans on running against George Bush – a tactic that might have worked in 2008 – but….sooner or later the general public will catch on that Bush is no longer in office, nor can he run for President – as the Office is limited to two terms. (Caution: Grab a cup of espresso before reading.)

Not to be outdone, the Press, although bored to tears, does at least have the negative ads to worry over – and it will get nasty – although most in the media will speak to Romney as negative - not mentioning Obama in a negative ad vein – Sunshine State News offers both campaign’s “negative” ads – however, looking at Romney’s ads as a Massachusetts resident used to seeing negative campaign ads that are over the top from both sides – these appear rather fact-based (Romney’s), and mundane . Both Ads appear below.

Obama Attack on Romney Ad

Romney Attack on Obama Ad

At first it looked to be a long boring campaign – Obama’s long speeches, Romney’s lack of Celebrity Backing – however, with the Bus Stunt – it’s fresh, fun and gave Mitt Romney a leg up among those with a sense of humor – Looking forward to more – give the credit to Ann Romney who mentioned more than once that her husband had a sense of humor. How refreshing – to have a choice of leadership that means business and has a sense of humor at the same time versus a campaign running away from its record and dragging up old news. Just saying.

Note to both campaigns – Knock off the repeated robo calls – it’s too soon!!!

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