Sunday, April 03, 2011

Trump 2012 – the Glenn Beck Factor – Backhanded Endorsement – Beck Calls Out Trump as an Extremists! Opinion

Glenn Beck: "The Fusion of Entertainment and Enlightenment"? - Photo Conservative blogs central (blogspot)

From Politico: Glenn Beck on Fox News’, Bill O’Rielly noted that Donald Trump “made him feel uncomfortable” and that the nation does not need a “showboat”. (See Video Below).

Beck who is consistently pounding the “Fear Factor”, vis a vis the current administration and George Soros, would be at a lack for material should “The Donald” be successful in a bid for the GOP nomination and then the Presidency. Beck, on the one hand notes, that no one is better equipped to deal with the nation’s economy, however, on the other hand, Trump, who has issued no-apology statements that are not “politically correct” (or particularly mainstream) which are similar to those Beck makes on a daily basis, puts Beck in a virtual “tizzy”.

Beck, who is a smart, savvy, hustler of books and such vis a vis his radio and tv spots, would have to cast far and wide to find a way to stir up his audience should Obama, or another Socialist-Democrat not remain in the White House. If anything were to happen to George Soros, for example, Beck would lose half of his material – and be left with the “prepare for the worst, Obama is in charge” mentality that he has employed successfully over the last several years.

For example, those who have contacted this blogger, after listening to Beck, are convinced they must store up food, buy land in a remote corner of the nation, and be ready at a moment’s notice to save themselves and their families in order to avoid the riots and looting that will occur when the economy collapses under Obama. Frankly, that kind of fear mongering, along with a “buy my book on this subject, or invest in Gold”, makes his statements on Trump, to those who might think Beck, a snake oil salesman with several honorary History Degrees, (which one can’t argue aren’t deserved), a ringing endorsement of Trump.

The Obama Birth Certificate: Glenn Beck: “
Obama birth certificate ‘horrible forgery”, From July 2008.

On China:
Glenn Beck: Why we lose the War Game with China”
From May 2009

Of note: Beck has found a way to insert The Donald into his routine: From April 1st: “Mika: Trump another example of right wing hate – UPDATED – Why no coverage of real death threats?” In this particular article, he dismisses Trump.

Beck is after all, a survivalist and if Trump salvaged the economy, what would Beck have left?

Regardless of which way the GOP primary turns, be it Huckabee, Palin, Trump, or some as yet to declare candidate (a possibility in this era), one has to question how will that candidate fare with Beck?

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