Sunday, April 03, 2011

2012 - Huckabee Leads both GOP and National in Latest Polls - Should Consider Post June Announcement - Opinion

Huckabee - Trump May Give Incentive for Earlier Announcement

a Farleigh Dickenson Poll link here released on the 31st of March, shows Mike Huckabee in a virtual tie with Obama (46/46) for the presidency. Furthermore, Huckabee also leads all “possible Republican Candidates” in Gallup’s “GOP Positive Intensity Tracking” poll. It is just a matter of when, and if, Huckabee will announce his formation of an exploratory committee, that has most media in an uproar as not one candidate (with the exception of Tim Pawlenty), has given an indication that they would announce much before June or later of 2011.

If Huckabee announces sooner than later, however, one can bet his lead would increase exponentially. Given Trumps entrance onto the national 2012 stage, Huckabee should consider the implications, given that some of his base may consider Trump as a viable alternative.

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