Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Huckabee Continues to Lead Field of GOP Potential Candidates – Gallup Release Tuesday 3-15-11

Huckabee Continues to Dominate Early Polling on GOP 2012 "potential canidates" - image:,

Former two and a half term Governor of the State of Arkansas, 2008 Presidential Candidate and political pundit, television and radio personality and bestselling author, Mike Huckabeecontinues to lead the field of “potential” GOP Candidates in Gallup’s latest release. The field of 12 candidates included: Huckabee, Palin, Gingrich, Romney, Bachman, Paul, Santorum, Pawlenty, Barbour, Daniels, Huntsman and Johnson.

Huckabee continues to dominate polling nationwide, with the bulk of news organizations noting that although Huckabee is the strongest of contenders (who have yet to announce), there is no clear front-runner out of the pack. Of course, it is logical to expect that those answering surveys about potential field of twelve candidates may result in a lower rating for a frontrunner, than say, if that field were reduced to 6 candidates (as in the 2008 presidential primary), where in early stages, Giuliani, who had not announced, led the field, while Mike Huckabee, then a newcomer to the national stage, was a mere blip on the radar. It will be when those five or six, or 10 for that matter, who firmly commit, that a more clear picture of a front runner will emerge, and that may not take place until the later part of 2011. Most announcements regarding the formation of exploratory committees and/or intent to run are not expected until Spring/early summer (based on comments made by those who are featured in the polling data).

Missing from the polling was business mogul and television personality, Donald Trump, who was recently profiled by Conservative Website Human Events, in an article entitled: “Can Donald Trump Save America?” , which includes a lengthy interview with “The Donald” and reflections on his intent to run for the office of the President. A summary paragraph in the article notes:

But Trump’s not just a businessman. He’s an American personality. He’s a man that can bring the constituencies of Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern together, which, as he observes, is “probably tougher than [bringing] the Republicans and the Democrats” in concert.

Of the potential candidates, based on governing or business experience, there are clear choices in the pack, the obvious, Huckabee, who, although still considered “liberal” by those on the right, has the ability to relate to a broad electorate, (Arkansas for example),this alone gives him far greater electability in general that most of the field. Palin, who also served as Govenor, and in other administrative capacities, has the same type of experience, and her extensive knowledge of the energy industry will be key in the next election. The missing man from the poll, Donald Trump also falls into that category, what he lacks in governmental experience he makes up for in business acumen. Although early in the crystal ball stages of picking the frontrunners where no announcement shave been made, look to those three to lead the pack, with Huckabee the strongest – what one needs to keep in mind, the rock star electability factor still plays in the nation – those aforementioned are in the public eye consistently and would easily make the transition to the political stage, with the exception of Trump, who, would stand on his merits of outspoken patriotism, take no prisoners with no excuses, persona and of course, his ability to govern business. It is my no means, a stretch.

As to those who feel the name “Huckabee” might be a bit too much - one only needs one piece of evidence to dispute that whole silly theory: Barack Obama

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