Wednesday, March 16, 2011

As the Word Turns, U.S. Citizens growing Concerned over Radiation – Yet No Calm Assurances from the White House. Political Suicide.

Over the past few days, individuals listening to news reports from MSNBC, CNN, Fox, the BBC, etc., are growing increasingly concerned about the effects of radiation that may be felt with in the U.S. There has been a run on the preventive “Potassium Iodide Tablets”, which normally retail for $8.00 and are now selling on EBay for hundreds of dollars.

The New York Times is reporting that fears are driving the sale of this particular drug that relieves some symptoms of radiation poising. In addition, the Surgeon General, in an interview in the State of California, fueled the fear, by telling people they should have these tablets – and be prepared for radiation.

In all of this within the past two days, one would expect that the President, crisis real or imagined, would take the 5 minutes to calm the fears of the nation. He has made a statement: during an interview on a local Pittsburgh radio show, noting that the Radiation won’t reach Hawaii.

Meanwhile, those tablets are hard to fine, and fear among the populace of the U.S. already concerned over rising gas prices, food inflation, lack of employment, are in desperate need of a leader to speak out and calm them. Pittsburgh?

How about a 5 minute prime time blurb, noting all is well, otherwise, the President would not be out golfing. To do nothing promotes two scenarios, both of which are politically dangerous: one, a lack of confidence in the administration, and 2, the paranoid school of thought, where the Administration knows but is not telling, or the Administration is clueless (that’s three), and playing Golf while Rome is burning.

In times of stress, regardless of how insignificant and unrealistic, it may be, the President might play 9 out of 18 holes, and make a strong specific statement on the safety of the American people. Perhaps he feels saying it in Pittsburgh is enough? One can be the house it is not.

Of note: those who felt the need to purchase this type of item, please consider the risks before ingesting and check with a physician or pharmacist. There is an excellent treatment on this at the CDC - here at” It was released in 2006, during the Bush Administration, and gives an FAQ on the subject.

Those who are still concerned, stock up on bottled water, and dried/canned meats (don’t forget the dog or cat food), the worst case scenario is: fewer trips to the grocery store. It is a better safe, and safe of mind, to “prepare” than not.

Obama on the Golf Course

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