Friday, September 17, 2010

Obama Visits Connecticut To Support Blumenthal and Raise Much-Needed Cash – Give’s Gift To GOP Senate Candidate Linda McMahon

Obama made a rare2010 visit to the Nutmeg state yesterday – his mission – to raise much needed cash for the DNC and support Senate Democrat candidate Richard Blumenthal. It must feel like Christmas at the McMahon household, as Obama’s visits usually herald the “kiss of death” to any candidate he approaches.

Blumenthal must be fairly desperate to take his chances with a presidential visit, even in the “blue” state of Connecticut, either that or he’s oblivious to what has happened to Democrat candidates who receive an Obama visit this close to an election. Blumenthal, is already a flawed candidate, having lied about his military record, having an issue with taking some PAC money for his campaign after saying he would not, and an August 26th report out of Connecticut that involve Blumenthal’s relationship with law firms and tobacco settlements that is dubbed as a “national scandal” by the Post. Therefore, a “boost from Obama” may just push the Blumenthal campaign over the ledge.

Connecticut has been noted, much like its neighbor immediately north (Massachusetts), as “Safe Democrat” for decades, due to several factors, one of which has been a lack of contested races, and or opposition candidates who were neither focused or funded – that was then, this is 2010. Linda McMahon has been outspending Blumenthal to the tune of her sister candidates in CA: Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitmen. Although money in 2010 isn’t obviously everything, it has, according to Bloomberg, significantly narrowed the poll gap in the McMahon – Blumenthal contest. One can’t go anywhere in CT without someone knowing who Linda McMahon is – she has made sure of that, and the papers, in their attempt to defend the “popular attorney generalmay fall short of their goal to give Blumenthal a boost. Especially in light of their announcement of a Presidential visit.

About that visit: The Bellingham Herald’s article says it all:

“President Barack Obama swooped almost literally into Republican Linda McMahon's backyard Thursday to raise money for Democrats and the wrestling maven's opponent at a big-money fundraiser in Connecticut's richest town.
Obama joined state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal at a fundraiser in Stamford and then at a $30,000-per-person dinner at the 20-acre estate of affordable housing developer Rich Richman. Richman's palatial home is not only in the same neighborhood as McMahon, but it is also within the same gated Conyers Farm development in Greenwich's exclusive "back country" neighborhood.”

The article goes on to describe Obama as having raised $1 million for the DNC and Blumenthal’s “300 hard core supporters” hoping to raise at least $400,000.

Keywords used by the locals: “Obama swoops” and “Linda McMahon’s backyard” says it all. Linda McMahon has insured she is known in every household in CT., not only by throwing scads of cash at the campaign, but my doing retail politics, door to doors and meet and greets. While Obama’s swooping into any given state to give a boost to a campaign, usually does not pan out as intended (MA, NJ, VA, etc., etc.). In addition, what is missed entirely is the fact that the $30,000 per plate, star studded, mansion set campaign stop for Blumenthal, was actually a visit to the CT elite in order to get cash for the DNC as it battles mid-term races in almost every district in the nation. As these Obama visits across the nation continue, they are based in areas where American’s wealthy class (Democrats) are able to still give substantial funds, rather than rely on the Democrat base, who are mostly out of work, or on the public doll and rethinking party affiliation.

Therein lays the difference in 2010 - $30,000 a plate dinners to raise funds for the DNC versus individual contributions from people who, in today’s economy, don’t have money to spare, giving to Republican and Tea Party candidates nationwide: the GOP may not have as much cash in Millions to spend on individual races, (talking in millions of dollars here) but what it lacks in cash it makes up for in voter enthusiasm. Plus, it has attracted the likes of aforementioned candidates McMahon, Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman who are in a position to fund their own campaigns.

As September turns to October and the real heat turns up in the last two to three weeks of contests across the country, the handwriting will be on the wall, regardless of the media drumbeat about the “Party of No”. Perhaps because of visits by Obama, the lack of jobs, and the palpable angst of the people against the majority of Democrats either holding office or attempting to hold office, will, in all likelihood, turn into a route. Current polls, although kind to the GOP, regardless of whether the candidate is “electable” according to Karl Rove, will only tell the tale in the last two weeks of October. With so many races to cover, and so many Congressional races being decided by a handful of votes this fall, the winners will be those who have a positive message for the nation, and frankly, who are not entrenched incumbent Democrats with voting records that confirm their dedication to party over the electorate.

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