Friday, September 17, 2010

Barney Frank (D-MA) – in Trouble – Bill Clinton Heading to the 4th District to Stump for Barney Mae – Pushes Richard Neal (D-MA) Under Bus

Former President Bill Clinton, the Democrat Party’s last popular President, will be heading into the Bay State on the 26th of September to help out Barney Frank. The “rally” will take place at Tauten High School at 2:00 pm. Frank, who is facing the first serious challenge of his career from former Democrat turned Republican, Sean Beilat, will need more than a visit from Bill Clinton, to save his career. It is suggested he go to the nearest shrine and start asking for a miracle, because he’s going to need one. Bielat, a Marine, successful businessman and former Congressional page, is the miracle that 4th District Republicans and Independents have been waiting for. In the September 14th Republican primary, Bielat took the essential districts necessary to not only win the primary, but to send Barney Frank on a permanent vacation.

Meanwhile, Hampden 2nd District incumbent, Richard Neal, is apparently, for now, being thrown under the proverbial bus, as his Clinton visit, first brought up in July, is apparently on the back-burner. How many candidates can Bill Clinton save in one day? Apparently, he has priorities. Neal, who is also facing a challenge for the first time, has his hands full with GOP’s Tom Wesley, a U.S. Navy veteran, and international business man. Wesley won a hard-fought campaign against Northampton Doctor, Jay Fleitman in the September 14th primary and has a considerable grass roots game on covering the districts urban and rural areas. Richard Neal, stated plainly, is popular in the District, with the press and with the Unions, and he needed that Bill Clinton visit to up his image.

There are two ways to look at this particular “snub” if one will – Either Clinton feels Neal can handle Wesley, while Frank is of the two, in bigger trouble, or it’s a waste of time (given internals), so why bother? No stranger to the Bay State, Clinton may make a return visit should the almost publically invisible tax man, Neal, beg, or perhaps the task of defending Neal will be left to Obama, which would surely get a thank you note for the President by one Tom Wesley.

In either event, what Clintons’ visit for Frank and snub to Neal at the same time implies is that there are more than one or two competitive congressional races in the Bay State. Of course, the super delegate vote may come into play, Barney Frank stood by Hillary Clinton, while Richard Neal - cast his vote for Obama.

To learn more about the Candidates who would retire Frank and Neal: donate, volunteer, donate! donate, volunteer, donate!

Understanding that there are 10 Congressional district races in Massachusetts this November, and all candidates are equally deserving, these two particular races need special attention as they represent opposition to candidates who have their hands on our finances for decades – The Hampden 2nd, has been studiously avoided by both the local and national press, and, for that reason, if one must choose between the two, please consider the Hampden Second.

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