Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fremont Nebraska Passes Stiff Illegal Immigration Measure

The City of Freemont, Nebraska, recently passeda ban on renting property to illegal immigrants. Why Fremont? The City has seen a surge in population and residents are concerned many jobs may be going to illegal immigrants rather than those who are currently unemployed.

Fremont is the home to a meat-packing industry which has already seen illegal immigrants taken into custody at a local plant. (From ABC News business)

Illegal immigration has been a hot topic in Fremont, which is among a handful of Nebraska cities that have seen marked demographic changes primarily because of Hispanic work forces at meatpacking plants.

Although this area of the country has relatively low unemployment, the passage of this City’s ban, is telling on a national basis. Enforcing border security and ending the crime that follows illegal immigration (identity theft in these Nebraska towns), is a national priority, which has been ignored by the current and previous Administrations. It is with growing frustration that states and towns throughout the U.S. feel the need to take matters into their own hands and do the job the Federal government refuses to do.

That said, Fremont may experience a drop in tourism once the Los Angles City Council and the Amherst, Massachuetts City council, put a ban on doing business with or traveling to Fremont.


  1. Ralph Short4:34 PM

    Tina, I am absolutely certain the citizens of Fremon Nebraska are terrified of the prospect of LA and Amherst banning business and visits by the local politico's. I just wish they would do the same here in Garden City South Carolina.

    Great sense of the ridiculous by the way.

  2. Hi Ralph, Sometimes one can think that certain ideologues have limits, and yet....just when one thinks that there is a limit, one finds there is not - thus, the sense of the ridiculous!

    Good to hear from you by the way



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