Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chicago Land –The Trial – Blagojevich, Emanuel, Obama and the Unions – Calls of High Crimes and Misdemeanors May Not be Far Behind

Emanuel with Obama - Emanuel - Sacrificial Lamb?

As the trial for former Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich continues, FBI tapes played in court, and testimony from Blagojevich’s deputy, John Harris, has led to some interesting assertions regarding the sale of a Senate Seat and retail politics at the Chicago level.

From CBS 2 Chicago comes the revelation:

“A week before the election, Blagojevich and Obama had met with two top union officials, apparently sent on Obama's behalf, who told them the future president wanted his close friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett appointed to be his successor.”

The Sun Times, reporting live from the Courtroom:

“On another tape just played by prosecutors, Rod Blagojevich is heard talking to John Harris over the phone on Nov. 3, 2008 -- the day before the election.
They are discussing how Barack Obama is sending two representatives -- union leaders Tom Balanoff and Andy Stern -- to visit to talk about Valerie Jarrett.”

NBC’s Chicago Affiliate reports on a conversation between Harris and Rham Emanuel:

“Today, Harris testified that then-Congressman Rahm Emanuel called him two days before the election and said Obama was interested in having a close friend nomination to the Senate. Emanuel didn't mention a name. Harris testified it was clear that Emanuel meant Jarrett, the former chairman of the Chicago Transit Authority who is now President Obama's senior advisor.”

Harris’s testimony is the result of a plea agreement with federal prosecutors for a reduced sentence. He was arrested the same day as Blagojevich.
The relationship between Blagojevich and Emanuel dates back to 2006 according to the Telegraph :

“Mr Emanuel published an endorsement of Mr Blagojevich in the Chicago Tribune in exchange for $2 million (£1.3 million) in school funding to his district, according to the emails, which were released on The emails detailing the deal, revealed by the Associated Press, apparently were exchanged between Mr Emanuel, his staff and Mr Blagojevich's chief aide, Bradley Tusk.
Senior Democrats have told the Telegraph that Mr Emanuel is preparing to stand down after the mid-term congressional elections in November.”

However, back in Chicago, the question is being raised by Chicago Now : if Emanuel is being used as a “sacrificial lamb” by the administration or if it is, indeed, a “perfect breakup”. The quirky read speaks to the newly discovered emails regarding Blagojevich and the leak that Emanuel was involved in the Climate Change bill with legislation that favored a former employer.

One has to wonder what else is on hours of tape, or yet to be “leaked” regarding the style of the administration and specific key players Barack Obama and Rham Emanuel. That fact that it was taped and noted specifically that Union officials paid Blagojevich a visit on behalf of then President elect, Barak Obama speaks volumes.

Therefore, buying and selling and paying off politicians with favors (or hard cash – which has yet to be put on the table), all of which is breaking Federal laws, is nothing new as far as this administration is concerned: In response to the issues of promising jobs for playing ball with the administration to both Sestak in Pennsylvania and Romanoff in Colorado, Emanuel stated that nothing more needed to be done. (Politico) Apparently, the White House investigation of itself was sufficient.

In September of 2008 there were rumors of FBI tapes that were sufficient to lead to the arrest of a major political candidate from Chicago, as these rumors were, at best, third hand and from supporters of a candidate now seen in polls as more qualified to lead than the current president (or GOP potential candidates for 2012 listed on the survey). (Rasmussen) One has to wonder just how incompetent the Chicago politicos may be, specifically in light of the poor response to the Gulf oil incident, and the agenda driven policy that pays no heed to economic consequence. Should these tapes contain more, or should other tapes be brought to light, one has to wonder when the phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors” will begin to surface. Additionally, should Clinton begin to distance herself (more than she already has) from the administration, one would be willing to bet she’ll be the nominee in 2012, regardless of a win or loss to the Democrats. At this point, with scandals breaking to the left and right, and Gallop's latest survey showing the Republican’s with an historical lead in enthusiasm among voters (breaking 1994 records) going into the 2010 elections, it will be difficult for the Democrats to mount any type of defense until 2016 at the earliest.

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