Wednesday, June 16, 2010

E Tu MSNBC? Chris Matthews, Obama Honeymoon Ends with Gulf Oil – “No Executive Command” – Fox, O’Reilly Defends!

USA Officially Enters The Twilight Zone -image foundation stone blog - Barack Obama photo Portland art

MSNBC political pundits, in reviewing the President’s address to the nation last night, were uncharacteristically harsh in their assessment of Obama’s “performance”. This change in tone from a network known in Conservative and Moderate circles as “in the tank” for the Obama administration, included a tirade of sorts by the top Obama cheerleaders (Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman), which included invoking a Carter comparison (whereby Carter actually comes out on top).

Transcript from Real Clear Politics

“Olbermann: "It was a great speech if you were on another planet for the last 57 days."

Matthews compared Obama to Carter.

Olbermann: "Nothing specific at all was said."

Matthews: "No direction."

Howard Fineman: "He wasn't specific enough."

Olbermann: "I don't think he aimed low, I don't think he aimed at all. It's startling."

Howard Fineman: Obama should be acting like a "commander-in-chief."

Matthews: Ludicrous that he keeps saying [Secretary of Energy] Chu has a Nobel prize. "I'll barf if he does it one more time."

Matthews: "A lot of meritocracy, a lot of blue ribbon talk."

Matthews: "I don't sense executive command."

Over at Fox News, where one would think a total thrashing would take place, Bill O’Reilly gave the President the Benefit of the doubt. In a segment with pundits Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley, O’Reilly acknowledges things may have been done differently, however, points out that no-one knows how to stop the oil spill. He includes Governor Sarah Palin in that segment, where she outlined options in dealing with the clean-up, but was harangued by O’Reilly as far as a continual question: “Do you know how to stop the oil spill?” Palin, whose patience was clearly running thin, gave him a thin lipped glare, and went onto outline what should have been done in dealing with BP executives. That segment is also shown below for those who are unaware of the former Alaska Governors’ ability to deal with Oil Executives and her extensive knowledge of the industry.

Palin, carefully parses her words when basically trashing the “government” over the clean-up, and outlines what she might have done differently – she does go into political rhetoric regarding Obama’s “never let a crisis go to waste” and his subsequent call for “Cap and Tax”, which would add more economic burdens than the general public can handle at this point.

The polls will tell, currently the President, has a job approval rating (according to Rasmussen Reports of 24% strongly approve, with 41% strongly disapproving, the overall adjusted to account for those who are leaning one way or the other but not fully committed to approving or disapproving of his performance, gives the President a 45% approval. As this scenario in the Gulf plays out, along with a myriad of other issues facing American’s (unemployment, the economy, border issues and illegal immigration), may drive that number downward to unseen depths. The question now remains, which phoenix will rise from the ashes to take the mantel of the Presidency and fix this mess in 2012
Comparing the two networks and videos, is akin to watching Rod Serling at his best. The Obama administration has officially entered the Twilight Zone.


Fox News Video O'Reilly Colmes

Fox News O'Reilly - Palin

For those unfamiliar:
Rod Serling - We have officially entered the Twilight Zone of American Politics.

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