Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Deep Division in Democrat Party 2010 Elections – Polls: 48% Democrats Likely to Vote GOP in the Fall – 65% Feel Congressional Overhaul in Order.

A blog article from April 21, at Public Policy Polling, revealed a poll taken on political party loyalty going into the 2010 general election. Polling showed that 54% of Republicans feel their party is headed in the right direction, the balance that were either undecided or not happy with the direction of the party, plan to vote for a GOP candidate. Conversely, 83% of Democrats polled are happy with the direction of their party – the kicker – 48% plan on voting GOP. The article, by Tom Jensen, concludes:

"So despite the fact that there are far more GOP voters mad at their party than Democrats, the number of angry Democrats planning to vote Republican is actually larger than the number of angry Republicans planning to vote Democratic. It's just one more thing the party is going to have to cope with for this fall.”

This is in line with a recent Rasmussen Reports survey released Friday that concludes 65% of voters believe the country would be better off with a Congressional overhaul. Booting the incumbent appears to be a trend going into the fall election, with the repeal of the Health Care Bill and economy primary in voters’ minds. – 41% of those polled believe a person chosen at random from a phonebook would do a better job on the economy than those currently holding Congressional seats.

Rasmussen polling reportedly trends Conservative, while Public Policy Polling is reportedly more liberal. What this suggests is that most of the voting public, regardless of party affiliation, are unhappy with the current Congress, with Democrats more willing to change affiliation than republicans, combined with Independents (addressed in Rasmussen Reports) trending towards the GOP. While still extremely early in terms of political polling to predict November outcomes (primaries will be help up through September depending upon the State or Commonwealth), trending showing disgust with Congress has continued to remain fairly steady the past year. Factors such as a weak incumbent, the state of the economy overall and by individual state, will tell in polls beginning in September.

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