Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mass Senate Election: Coakley - Show Me The Money Attitude Dominates Media –Brown May Be David to Coakley’s Goliath

An article on the Hot Air Blognetwork asks why the National GOP has not pumped more into the Massachusetts Special Election: According to this article – local Republicans are “outraged” that the national GOP only donated $50,000 and a phone system to Brown’s campaign.
Over at the Herald, Hillary Chabot headlines: “GOP lets Scott Brown fend for himself, Local Republicans outraged committee not giving more in Senate battle”. (The Hot Air article quotes from the Herald.)

Interestingly, both imply that without the GOP sending millions into the State, Brown’s chances of besting Coakley are limited.
Brown’s answer to the Heralds suggestion: priceless

But even Brown has downplayed his lack of national GOP firepower in his race against Democrat Martha Coakley, saying, “We’re doing very, very well on our own, and I don’t want to be beholden to anybody at this point.”

Brown may know a thing or two about campaigning in Massachusetts that the pundits at the Herald and Hot Air do not (or the plethora of nay-sayers, pick one) It’s not always about the Cash – it’s about the issues, and Brown is on the right side (no pun intended) of the issues that are most bothersome to Massachusetts residents, whether they are Democrats, Republicans, Unenrolleds, Libertarian or Green Party affiliates.

Those disgruntled unnamed Massachusetts GOP sources that are so bent out of shape regarding the lack of cash (alleged, as the NRSCC has declined to play its hand as far as what it may or may not give to Brown within the next two weeks), should do well to remember that money does not always translate into votes. Mitt Romney is the case in point – he won the Massachusetts Governors office, not because he was exceptionally well-funded, but because his opponent, Shannon O’Brien, went over the top on the issue of abortion, especially when it came to parental consent, or her promise to lower the age of concent to 12 – as soon as she made that comment, Romney surged in the polls and the rest, as they say, is history. One need not even go into the 2008 presidential primary, where Romney’s millions we’re bested by Huckabee thousands.

What everyone is discounting is the Massachusetts electorate, and the palpable fear of Health Care Reform and the dismal state of the Economy and Jobs, regardless of political party affiliation. It is with these voters that Brown has the edge. Exactly how much of an edge, no one knows for sure – there have been no polls on the subject, either locally or nationally, it is just assumed that Coakley will best brown – and everyone should know how dangerous assumptions can be.

Notes: Watch The CNN Debate (broadcast nationally) on Sunday January 10th at 10 AM

One can volunteer to make calls for Brown (from any state in the nation) by visiting Brown for Senate Brown is asking for votes and volunteers.

Browns latest video

Alternately, one can visit Martha Coakley for Senate” and be reminded that tomorrow is the deadline for FEC filing (December 31st)– so hurry up and donate.

Martha Coakley’s Latest Video:


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