Monday, December 28, 2009

Iran Continues to Implode – How long will it be before Ayatollah Khamenei & Ahmadinejad Board that Plane for Paris?

Update Iran: Protests continue to erupt and the violence from the current regime appears to know no bounds – as a recent post on Twitter suggets: "This regime is much more brutal and disgusting than the shah ever was. The also are ANTI-IRANIAN! The Shah loved Iran! One has to understand that without the aid of social networking sites, the voices of seventy million Iranian people, held hostage by a tyrannical government would go unheard.
As it stands today: Protests continue to erupt through Tehran – photographs available Here show the determination of those who, although they are vastly outnumbered by the murderous regime of Khamenei and Ahmadinejad, and may not have developed the wherewithal to withstand the continued onslaught by imported Hezbollah thugs that are hired by the regime to destroy their own people.

A tactic used by the brutal regime for decades, is now back in practice, (see Reading Lolita in Tehran), whereby bodies of protestors are taken (specifically if they are high profile) and disposed of - they "disappear" - this does not allow for the family to mourn – or in the case of the current regime, for the people to react. The latest body to go missing: Mousavi’s nephew. It has been confirmed by Al Jezzera that Mousavi nephew was murdered (Al Jazeera is relying on Iranian State TV).

The protests have continued into the night:

What is different at this point in time is that the Western Media is now paying more attention to the plight of those, who, although it is said they lack a particular leader, are none-the-less, a movement towards the freedom of Iran – the goal, peace, democracy and to break the yoke of tyranny.
CNN World has reported on the deaths of protestors, and even the New York Times, has a timid headline : ”Police are have said to killed 10 in Iran Protests."

It is a revolution that has been unfolding since the suspect vote that brought Ahmadinejad to the presidency for a second term, each protest (peaceful) by the people of Iran (it is no longer confined to the capitol) has been met with unspeakable violence e, arrest, torture and executions.
An excellent survey is available from The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, located in New Haven CT. The latest release “Speaking for the Dead”, Survivor Accounts of Iran’s 1988 Massacre” is now available. The accounts of torture, specifically towards women, are beyond the pale. This foundation, lost funding under recent budget cuts, go here to learn more and offer support – This is, after all Khamenei and Ahmadinejad Holocaust – the victims, Persians and Christians who want a free Iran.

Most compelling: A Christmas Message - Maryam Rajavi - 24 Dec 2009 - view hereon You Tube

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