Thursday, February 26, 2009

Massachusetts Republicans Protest Gas Tax Increase – Governor Backtracks

Massachusetts Gas Tax Protest - photo Boston Globe

Dissent is has been brewing in the Bluest State over a proposed increase in the Massachusetts State Gas Tax. A rally, organized by Massachusetts Republican Chair, Jennifer Nassour, took place in front of the State House in Boston yesterday. Video clip from New England Cable News Network is shown below. WCBV Boston, ran the story, noting that State Representatives are on the fence – backlash from constituents is growing, and 2010 is right around the corner. The Globe, downplayed the protest, however, and supported the Governor quoting Patrick as: “flexible on the size of the tax hike.” From Western Massachusetts, Representative Wager, of Chicopee told the Globe he is receiving anti-tax messages from his constituents, citing that his office has not received as many calls on any issue in the past 18 years. That said; he is still considering support for the tax.

The proposed increase in the Massachusetts Gas Tax is to cover mounting debt for road repair and salaries. That said, The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority is no stranger to scandal (Big Dig, Salaries!), and the Stimulus Bill that was rammed through the Senate should provide Massachusetts with funds for road repair. Further, the Party Faithful are touting the same line: Republican’s were in control; therefore, we have to fix it (see video). Of course, this might fly if the State House had not been controlled by one party over the past several decades, leaving the Governors’ office, the sole Opposition to the excesses of Beacon Hill, an uphill battle that often left Massachusetts Republican Governors’ frustrated. Due to the fact that the “Yes we Can” (increase your taxes, spend until we drop) Duval Patrick has been in that office since 2006, with a likeminded legislature, the idea that the populace will buy into that line is growing increasingly unlikely. Protests are what is needed, and a hearty thank you to Jennifer Nassour, for working for the people of Massachusetts; party politics aside, Republicans, Democrats and Independents all suffer in the Bay State, and she is giving a voice to every resident. Should this continue, regardless of how Beacon Hill and the Globe play it, if the pressure stays on, the proposed gas tax may end up being just that: proposed, not enacted.

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