Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mass Gas Tax Increase to Cover Turnpke Authority Payroll? More Insanity from the Bay State!

Update: There is a bit of a brouhaha this morning over the proposed Massachusetts Gas Tax increase tied to meeting the payroll of those employees of the Turnpike Authority. The Springfield Republican has supplied a list of salaries here showing part-time toll takers making $49,337.00 annually. Over at WHYN AM Talk Radio Springfield an online petition saying "no" to an increase in the State Gas Tax has received over 5,000 signatures thus far. This morning, radio hosts read an email received from a local attorney who was incensed that toll-makers are paid more than college professors (or most people not that well "connected" in the Bay State", and pondered moving (the Massachusetts Exodus just keeps on rolling).

Strongly suggest reviewing Beacon Hills motives for pushing through another tax on the public by 1) checking Turnpike Authority salaries, and b) Signing that petition.

1 comment:

  1. 50 G for a part time job? Not bad, unless your paying for it.


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