Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A funny thing happened last night; a phone call came through rather late and on the other end was a gentleman looking for my husband. He hadn't seen or spoken to him since 1973. Apparently, they used to parachute together, were best buddies, and he felt compelled to contact him. We began to talk generalities; and the main point was how similar the situation in Iraq had become to the situation in Viet Nam. It is not necessarily the fact that the two conflicts are similar. It is the fact that the press and one particular political party are affecting the outcome in Iraq in much the same way. It is a general consensus among these like-minded individuals and their families (i.e. branches of the military, retirees, veterans - approximately 50 million citizens of these United States), that we should "finish the job" and not let "press and politicians" dictate to the military.

As the November elections draw near, politician's such as Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich are predicating gains for the GOP. This could be attributed to party bravado, however, it may also be a direct result of listening to the people; not those that feel they are able to sway policy simply because they consider themselves to be "elite" and above it all.

Therefore, another interpretation of Hamilton and Jay's discourse regarding treason and the freedom of the press may be applied. The people may indeed decide. In the marketplace as well as in November.

Raising the question. Is anyone out there polling the military, veterans groups and their families? Anyone besides the GOP?

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