Saturday, July 15, 2006

1967 revisited - On the Seventh Day They Rested

In 1967, in a short six day span, Israel brought Egypt, Jordan and Syria to their knees in a three front war. This war could have been avoided had the United Nations brokered a peace between Israel and its neighbors that then Prime Minister, Golda Mier had begged them to do. This plea for peace on the side of Israel took place on October 10, 1960. Immediately following, the UN General Assembly understood Egypt's refusal to recognize the Jewish State, and in 1963 the Arab League (members of the United Nation Security Council), formed the Palestinian Army, under the direction of Yassir Arafat. The world decried any reaction from Israel and as attacks increased upon its citizens; the Isreali's continued to beg the UN for intervention - they only wanted to live in peace. Once again, this was ignored, and Israel was asked to basically put up with the continual assault from its neighbors.

On May 15, 1967, the Egyptians moved troops to Israel's borders, Syria did the same and on June 5th, Jordan attacked Israel, spurred on by the presence of Egyptian warplane. Still Israel rested. With pressure from the UN and the world against them, an increase in attacks on their country and literally surrounded by hostile neighbors they decided to take a stand. In 6 days the Israeli forces captured territory and defeated the forces against them. It was a resounding and humiliating defeat.

A little history lesson might be in order at this point in time because, once again, Israel is left with its back agaisnt the wall, and with no support from any nation (besides once again, the United States President's assertion that Israel has a right to defend itself) (In 1967 the President was Lyndon B. Johnson) the Israeli's will take a stand. They have the military capability to decimate their neighbors, a fact that is apparently lost on Iran and Syria. In addition, they have the will, desire and their peoples firmly behind this just cause.

In other words, they will be doing the world a favor when they decide to let loose and put their detractors in their place. As a body, the UN has been historically ineffective in brokering peace settlements (much like Jimmy Carter). With Iran in ashes and Syria in chains, the democracy in Iraq will stand more than a chance at success. In addition, the peoples of Iran will be in a position to work towards regime change and establish the democracy they crave. In the short term, Europe and the United States may pay more for a gallon of gas, but in the long term, the benefits will far outweigh any minor inconvenience those territories face.

History has a way of repeating itself; and those who study history are aware of mistakes they made in the past. The Israeli's are aware of history. In this respect, they will not allow another uprising from the ashes, and will take the steps necessary to finally insure peace in the region.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.


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