Friday, July 04, 2008

Vermont - Brooke Bennett case - The need for Mandatory Sentencing.

Brooke Bennett, a twelve year old girl living in the state of Vermont, was abducted, raped and murdered by her uncle, Michael Jacques, a 42 year old convicted sex offender. Jacques was aided in covering up his crime by the girls’ stepfather; both of the men were involved in a “sex” ring that is still active. According to the Burlington Free Press, prosecutors believe that the “Breckenridge” program (an Internet ring), is no longer a risk to children, but they are looking into the possible existence of other victims.

One interesting fact about Michael Jacques, he had been through a rehabilitation program - the programs are designed to “cure” the sexual predator and are touted by those sympathetic to these predators (defense attorneys, legislators and judges in state that do not have mandatory sentencing) as a valid alternative to the mandatory sentencing. Seriously, these people in position of power actually believe this to be true. Or, is it the fact that the majority of those arrested for this type of crime are men, and defense attorneys, who also happen to have day jobs as state legislators, make a huge profit off the destruction of our nation’s most valuable asset, our children.

There are a handful of states that do not have some sort of Mandatory sentencing provisions in the case of child rape, both Vermont and Massachusetts have legislatures that have lobbied hard for the protection of the predator. (Other states that have not enacted any legislation are: Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois and New Jersey) Bill O’Reilly

Not too long ago, 40 years or so, anyone who was convicted of a crime against a child, was sentenced to a long stay in prison, that individual would generally end up on the wrong side of a fork, as other inmates found this type of crime to be disgusting.

Enter advocates for the sexual predators; cures were conceived and sentences were lessoned. The ACLU lobbied hard, and continues to do so, for the civil rights of these base individuals. As our country’s moral authority denigrated further and further with each passing decade, sentences of 60 days plus probation and therapy were considered appropriate punishment – Judge Cashman of Vermont handed down a sentence of 60 days, therapy and probation on one such case, and the Progressive Press reacted – advocating for the Judge (North Country Gazette).

One would think it would be past the time for citizens of the states of Massachusetts and Vermont to stand up and demand that the laws be changed (considering the high rate of such crimes in these states). Not so. A question is not even on the ballot in Vermont. The Mass. House passed a very weak version of mandatory sentencing, giving 15 years for a first offense, and 20 years for a second, a compromise which Speaker DiMasi hopes will pass the state senate. It will then be up to Mass. Governor Deval Patrick, the “Yes We Can” speech writer, to sign the legislation into law. (Deval Patrick's Aid Charged with Sexual Assult (child) Deval Patrick is known as being “soft on crime” in the Baystate. Additionally, certain state legislatures, like James Fagen, of Massachusetts (also a criminal defense attorney) worked to actively block any legislation that would include a mandatory sentence.

Debate on Legislation from NECN

Progressive Party “Democrats” feel that mandatory sentencing is too harsh. This type of ideology make up the legislative body of both states mentioned and includes both states Governors’.

A small sampling of recent headlines from Massachusetts and Vermont (Vermont Archives only)- those reported upon are obscenely numerous.

Convicted Sex Offender Rapes Boy in Libary
Dance Teacher faces another rape charge.
Tewksbury Man,23, pleads guilty
Otis Official Convicted of Child Rape
Teacher Sentanced for Indecent Assault
Ware Man Pleads Guilty to Raping Second Girl
Huntington Man Convicted of Child
Sex Offender Returned to Prison
Burlington VT, Free Press Archives

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