Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rick Perry moves Troops to Border – Without Firing a Shot – Illegal Immigrants reported to Reroute through New Mexico due to National Guard – When will NM’s Martinez Do the Same?

Rick Perry has been criticized by the right and the left for moving Texas National guard to the border, the left, for obvious reasons, and the right, for political reasons (upcoming 2016 Presidential election and inability to understand strategy). Perry can now be justified for putting on show of force at the border. A Border Patrol report obtained by Fox News Media in PDF here contains the following (see page 75)

The above image is an excerpt from the report available at

It goes without saying that should the Governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez, do the same, which the press would demean, and she would stop the flow – the same goes for all Border States. Note while reading the report the influx of adults for a variety of countries from all continents. This would send a strong message that individuals attempting to illegally enter may encounter military on the border.

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