Wednesday, March 26, 2014

2014 Elections - John Dennis to Run for CA-12 Against Nancy Pelosi (D) – Receives Endorsement from Rand Paul

John Dennis, running against Nancy Pelosi, CA 12 - image from

John Dennis, the Libertarian Leaning Republican will run against Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House and infamous liberal firebrand, in 2014. This will be the third time Dennis will attempt to unseat Pelosi, in a district that had been gerrymandered to ensure her continued political career. It is considered one of the top 10 most gerrymandered Congressional Districts in the Country, making Pelosi appear incredibly safe. (PJ Media)

O n a recent, successful visit to the Valley, Senator Rand Paul suggested that Dennis would be a good candidate to run against Ms. Pelosi (San Francisco Chronicle). Today,Senator Paul took it a step further, officially endorsing Dennis, according to according to RandPAC

Dennis, although a Republican in a Democrat district is clearly undeterred. Suggested read: Challenger John Dennis has Bigger goals here.

To learn more about John Dennis, or contribute, volunteer, or lend a hand to unseat Nancy Pelosi – visit

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