Monday, May 13, 2013

Gabriel Gomez and His Tax Deductions – When Ed Markey is Over the Ledge; Gomez’s modest tax deduction is Front Page in the Globe.

Image of the Historic Home of Gabriel Gomez - image Boston Globe Article: Gomez claims "controversial Tax Deuduction - A Citizens Guideto Owning an Historic Home

Gabriel Gomez, the GOP candidate for the MA Special Election has come under fire for taking a tax break – tax breaks are taken by millions of taxpayers each year, but, if one is running for elected office, surely that’s a problem. The question is why? There are thousands of historic homes in this nation, and when one buys an historic home, one is bound by law to insure that home is kept at a certain standard. These standards are not “cheap” and one must go through inspections to insure that the home is up to snuff – otherwise, there are fines involved. One way of insuring that the homes are kept up to par, is a federal tax break for those who invest in, what is reality, American History. Gabriel Gomez took such a tax break – which the Markey team is now calling: Bogus. The Boston Globesuggests that the tax deduction is “bogus” and that, although extremely successful as a businessman, Gomez is just “average”. In addition, Gomez had the nerve to blame Ed Markey for his tax deduction, when questioned about the deduction by a local news agency, Gomez had the “chutzpah” to suggest Markey’s vote for the Historic Preservation Act, somehow made it his fault. (Globe) – Apparently, the reporter has no sense of humor, or irony, or any clue as to what goes into owning a historic home. Surely there must be something wrong with Gomez? If not, we’ll just do our darndest to make him sound like something he’s not.

What one might call Gomez is an inexperienced politician, as he is not a politician per se, but by virtue of running for office, he is under the microscope, and more so as he is a Hispanic running under the GOP banner. It is not that he is no more or no less qualified to take the office than say, a Harvard professor, who dabbled in real estate, and took advantage of tax breaks (Elizabeth Warren). Yet, when the going gets tough, the mudslinging must begin.

That’s politics – the size of the tax break, $250,000 and change, is not as large as some might suggest, given the fact that most politicians find loopholes and pay lower tax rates than most working people. On the surface, what’s bogus is the hype surrounding the tax break in the first place.

What the opposition needs to do is keep it’s rather exaggerated candidate from making additional wild claims – Ed Markey , has made claims as far flung as having invented smart phones and Facebook,
Massachusetts Senate candidate Rep. Ed Markey‘s claims to have helped promote technological innovation drew jeers during his primary campaign against Democrat Stephen Lynch, when Markey claimed during a March 27 debate that he “took on the monopolies” and therefore deserved credit for such famed Internet properties as eBay, Facebook and Twitter. That claim drew comparison to former Vice President Al Gore‘s claim to have invented the Internet, but now Markey has made those claims the centerpiece of the first TV ad in his campaign against Republican Gabriel Gomez, and an examination of Markey’s role in telecommunications legislation shows the 66-year-old congressman could have difficulty defending his claims in a surprisingly competitive election.

Markey’s newly released campaign ad shows him in an office full of computers, saying that broadband, cell phones and the Internet didn’t exist 20 years ago. True enough, but an examination of the congressional record raises doubts about Markey’s claims — repeated in his campaign literature — that he played a key role in making these innovations possible.

Markey Campaign Video Below –

For those going to the poll’s with half a brain, one the one hand is a successful businessman (average by Boston Globe Standards), who also served the country as a Navy Seal, bought an historic home and is looking to serve his nation in the Senate – part of his position is Term Limits.

Which is a problem for his opponent, who’s been in Congress for decades, and wants to move to the Senate, so that proposition can’t sit well for those entrenched politico’s. He also has “invented” everything that Al Gore has and has not taken credit for – in other words, he’s also slightly ridiculous.

Crazy old man, or someone who is grounded in reality? Tough Choice for Massachusetts Voters this June.

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