Thursday, February 23, 2012

Public Service Announcment: Rick Santorum is On the Ballot In Massachusetts

The search for "Is Rick Santorum on the Massachusetts Ballot" (or a number of variations) has hit this blog tracking with over 100 queries in the last 24 hours, therefore, as a public service announcement, Rick Santorum is indeed on the ballot. This information can be confirmed at the Secretary of State's website. In fact, this website also contains a section where one can request state govenrment documents from the historical archive (This would include former Governor Mitt Romney's written records, not the computer records which were destroyed)

The Santorum Team, to date, is the only campaign with a grassroots organization on the ground, Facebook offers information: Rick Santorum MASS

Ron Paul Supporters are using "meetup"

Of note: The Romney PAC: Restoring Our Future is running ads against Satnroum in MA. The delegates in MA will be awarded proportionally with 15% of the vote - Currenlty polling shows Romny in the lead in MA, however, Santorum with sufficient support to be granted delegates.

Then again, internal polling may show otherwise, as, again, Romney's PAC, Restore our Future, is running negative ads against Santorum in the Bay State.


  1. Negative attack ads and fighting in debate only serves Obama with more material to use. Dr. Ron Paul has said repeatedly what he will do to lead this country. "War" are the elephant in the middle of the room, that everyone else does not want to address. Ron Paul is the only one who has a long track record of pursuing peace for the health of the country. These other candidates should be using their ads and debate comments to expose Obama for his failure as a leader. Is this not what it will come down to when the( 2) candidates square off. How will Obama answer Ron Paul when he is asked why he has kept the war going. Art is powerful.Be a voice for change.

  2. Dear Distant Drummer, thank you for commenting - but it is in a rather odd location - considering this is a Public Service Announcement regarding a search for another candidate - as regards to Ron Paul and negative attack ads, he and Mitt Romney are the ones who have consistently run negative ads - in fact it is difficult to tell the difference between the two. With all due respect to the Congressman, he is as the flowers in spring - with each general election, one can be sure Ron Paul will be running for President - the real question you have to ask yourself as a Ron Paul supporter is: what are the odds? - Ron Paul's foreign and domestic policies are so out of the mainstream, regardless of which party one subscribes to (with the exception of the Libertarians, that that it is difficult for him to pull more than 8 to 10 points in a national poll. State by state he falls below all other candidates running against the President. His economic plans are concrete, to an extent, but still unrealistic in total - I would suggest that if you wish to support the Congressman, that you post comments that are factual, rather than fanatical - for example, you might want to speak to his experience in Congress, explain how his earmarks for his Congressional district differ from those of any other candidate? - Or how his negative advertising that is full of vitriol and falsehoods (as well as the pot calling the kettle black) is different from Mitt Romney's PAC's ads?

    I have no intention of deleting your comment rather prefer to expose the fact that he is just another politician - and here is the crux of the matter - he has served the longest in Washington - more so than anyone else in that group (perhaps with the exception of Speaker Gingrich). He is the Washington Insider in the group - the earmark taker, the hypocrite when one looks at the facts - again, look past his rhetoric, and look at the facts. I suggest checking the Congressional Record which is available on-line and a real eye-opener in regards to records.

    Tina Hemond


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