Monday, February 20, 2012

Massachusetts 4th “Barney Frank’s Seat” Primary – Elizabeth Childs Vs. Sean Bielat for GOP vs. the DNC “Kennedy Brand”

The Massachusetts 4th District, which has become infamous over the past decades as home to Congressman Barney Frank of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae fame, is now in the midst of a primary where both Republican’s and Democrats have an opportunity to pick up an open Congressional Seat in Massachusetts. Barney Frank, who retired earlier this year, would have been faced with a more Conservative District, after the state party was forced to make cut a congressional district with the loss of population associated with the 20101 census. The 4th was gerrymandered in the bluest state as the most conservative district in Massachusetts – a real game changer for Frank.

There are two individuals who are running for the GOP Contest, one Sean Bielat who had previously run against Frank in 2008 and who came the closet anyone had to ousting the man who was the Committee Chair in the Congress who mollified everyone involved by saying there are no problems with Freddie or Fannie – then the housing bubble burst. Bielat, with the dead voting, and the ballots stuffed came within 11 points of Frank, who was projected to win by a margin of 75%. (NYTimes)

Beilat, a former Democrat, and Marine, recently of Norfolk, MA will face Dr. Elizabeth Childs, a lifelong Massachusetts resident, who is a Doctor of Psychiatry, and has served the State of Massachusetts as the President of the Mass. Psychiatric Society and Chair and it’s Legislative Committee. She has lived in Brookline for over 20 years. She is the only one of the four major political party candidates how has served in a political capacity.

To learn more about both GOP candidates: VisitChilds for

or Sean

The Democrats are counting on Branding to keep the State’s Congressional contingent completely blue, they have recruited a Kennedy. Joe Kennedy the grandson of Robert Kennedy, who is a newcomer to the district, and has no legislative experience, (Rather he did serve as the Assistant DA of Middlesex County (not in the 4th District) has tried to bring himself up to speed by touring the 4th. He aslo has the backing of the Unions (AFLCIO) – a given since he is a) a Democrat and b) a Kennedy.

He does face an opponent in the primary, Paul Heroux who has worked in the Middle East. He is billing himself as an “Independent Democrat” and according to the Attelboro Sun Chronicle has received a great deal of attention nationally.

To learn more about the Democrats who want to keep the seat held by Barney Frank in the “blue” column:
Joe Kennedy 2012
Or Paul for Congress 2012

From the perspective of a Conservative Feminist who based her choice of candidates on credentials rather than gender, but is always hopeful, Dr. Child’s appears to be the best choice to take the seat. She is a long time resident of the area, understands the makeup of the 4th district, and has the experience in government (specifically legislative) that would allow her to easily step into the position. In addition, she would be the first Conservative woman to attain a congressional seat by right of a popular vote in Massachusetts. (Nikki Tsongas was appointed to the seat held by her late husband).

The primary for the state of Massachusetts is March 6th, Super Tuesday. With Redistricting one should check with their city or town’s clerk or Registrar of voters, to be sure that their polling place has not been moved – or simply vote by absentee ballot.

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