Saturday, November 19, 2011

2012 GOP Update, Thanksgiving Family Forum, Gingrich, Cain, Paul,Perry, Bachmann, Santorum - No Romney

A Thanksgiving Family Forum, hosted by Focus on the Family, with 2012 GOP Republican Candidates was held today at 5 PM, the moderator Frank Luntz,did an excellent job in keeping on topic - the topic social issues. A complete video is available at:

This is well worth the watch - regardless of one's religious leanings, this forum, in an Iowa Faith Based setting, gives an insight into both the integrity as well as the character of each candidate - topics ranged from personal introspection to What one would consider a "just war". It was not so much a debate, rather than a round table discussion, however, it was difficult to choose one candidate over another as to a "right" answer - to a man and a woman, they are all admirable. It was unfortunate that the Romney campaign was either unable or chose not to attend this particular event.

A Portion is shown below

Gingrich, as always, is stellar in any forum, debate or otherwise.

The next debate will be held on November 22nd, on CNN, and co-sponsored by the Heritage Foundation - The Topic - National Security.

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