Thursday, November 17, 2011

2012 GOP Update – Herman Cain – Guilty Until Proven Innocent? Chicago CBS 2 Anchor, Bill Kurtis, Debunks Cain Accuser Bialek – Audio from WLS-AM

From the windy city: a local anchor, who has more credentials than most of today’s journalist, one Bill Kurtis (biography here at, was a recent guest on Chicago’s WLS-AM’s “The Roe Conn Show”, and has plenty to say about Bialek (who worked for a short time at CBS), along with Cain’s ability to ride out what he appears to note as a manufactured scandal, apparently more to the story on several levels. There is a brief note below from Media Bistro:

Citing what he heard “in the elevator at work,” legendary WBBM anchor Bill Kurtis discredited Herman Cain accuser Sharon Bialek in a conversation last week on WLS-AM.
Speaking as a guest on WLS’s “The Roe Conn Show,” Kurtis said that Bialek, who worked for CBS in Chicago from 2006-2007, “has a history.”
“There’s a lot more to this story,” Kurtis said of Bialek’s account of sexual harrassment. “I ride in the elevator at work and I hear very quickly a different kind of story.”
“Let’s put Herman and Sharon in the car at the same time,” Kurtis said, “and the roles may even have been reversed, given [her] track record here.” Here’s the audio…

Video appears below (audio)

What is most interesting is the amount of conjecture on the subject, given the fact that guilty until proven innocent has been tossed out the window – however, here’s several scenario’s in which this blog has been given over the past few days, most of which, although “hearsay”, may make more sense in the long-run given the team of Bialek and Allred’s lack of credibility.

In an attempt to push Cain out of the way, as his climb to the top was gaining momentum and he represented a threat to other candidates in the GOP (some of whom have been known to play a dirty trick or two in Presidential Primary politics), but more so to the Obama campaign, given the fact that Cain’s message might resound with both Democrats as well as Independents – the best way to get rid of a Republican is to throw a scandal against the wall and hope it sticks (similar to cooking pasta), and, logic follows, that candidate would immediately withdraw from the race, or resign from Congress, or the Senate, or the local post as dog-catcher. Apparently, what they did not count on, should this be the case, is the fact that Cain is not a politician, as and such, when accused did not act like a politician, rather like a novice, which, instead of being the kiss of death, lent more credence to Cain’s innocence.

With fewer Conservatives and moderates for that matter, not trusting news sources to be as “truthful “as say a blog, or alternative source of news, Cain’s poll numbers, although in a slight decline (due more to one debate performance than any scandal), the majority of Republican Voters in (pick any poll) would prefer that Cain stay in the race (a little poll fact that is often left out of those news stories, noting the has dropped in the polls (by a few points mind you ), because of the allegations of sexual harassment (based on conjecture not fact). Those in the media, and the Obama campaign, appear to have run up against a dead horse.

Should Cain survive (and this appears to be the case at the moment) and go on to win the nomination (or be on the ticket at all), the fact that he has had allegations against him, has been made moot by the same party who has, for decades, lived by scandal and the fact that a sexual scandal is no reason for a candidate or sitting Congressman or sitting President, to leave office (See: Barney Frank and Bill Clinton, and an entire cast of characters). Therefore, they have created a scenario by which, in protecting their own (the DNC and Democrat Political Operatives); they have made it the “norm” for their constituents to look upon this type of scandal as “no big deal”. Fast forward to March (after super Tuesday), and should Cain be in the lead, or say Gingrich, and one or the other look to be heading hand in hand towards a solidified ticket, then Cain would appeal to Democrats across the board who may have had trouble voting for a “typical white man” (sorry Newt), but not for the affable, African-American, Cain.

This particular ticket, (which could, again, go either way), would solidify the
Conservatives, and surprising Democrats desperately seeking an alternative to Obama.
Also of note, the Republican Establishment and their pundits, continue to push Mitt Romney as the front runner, and, with no offense meant to the former Govenor of Massachustts, nothing short of a miracle will get that man past Super Tuesday with enough primary points to seriously continue the campaign.

This means that the Republican Party has more than one front runner, who is totally unacceptable to the Beltway, and totally acceptable to those Conservatives in the party, as well as those outside the Party.

This is not to say it would be a landslide, and that the fight would not get even dirtier (surely David Axelrod’s building must be full of Sharon Bielaks’ or someone else just as horrifying to voters that could be attached to either Newt or Cain.), but most likely to win this general, there will have to be a third party candidate, one that can peal enough votes away from the Republican, and allow the current occupant to win by even 1 point (See Massachusetts, David Axelrod’s testing grounds and the last Governors race). Therefore, a 5 point lead over an incumbent with a third party candidate in play will hardly be enough – that said, a healthy 10 point lead in polls like, for example a Gallup, would indicate that, although a tight race, more than winnable for team GOP. Of course, that all depends on how the candidate’s fortunes turn out – at the moment, in Iowa, the latest poll shows: Cain, Paul, Romney and Gingrich in a virtual tie for 1st.
The interview is worth a listen in its entirety.

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