Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sarah Palin – Will She? Won’t She? The Ghost of Reagan Says Yes

Palin keeps the pundits and media guessing - it is her decision in her own time, or in Reagan's Timeline - image republican redefined

Sarah Palin’s PAC ”Set the Record Straight” regarding Karl Rove’s comments that he believed Palin would enter the 2012 GOP race, given a Video Release that appeared Presidential and a planned trip to Iowa on September 3rd. The trip to a tea party event, which is free to attend, has been moved to accommodate larger crowds. Real Clear Politics posted a radio ad that the Tea Party will be releasing this week in Iowa for the event (Read listen to commercial clip here. The advertisement includes clips from Palin’s speech, and speaks to the overall ideology of the Tea Party Movement, however, does not indicate an announcement, rather a “call to action” by the Tea Party and Americans in general to get involved.

Over on CNN blog, the notion that Rove would be the last to know if Palin would be announced is given as reason she is not running This article was also linked with Kudos on Palin’s PAC website, giving the impression that her announcement might include a Nay not a Yea, as Rove predicted.

That said, no one knows when Palin will announce, however, one has to believe that a decision has been made, whether or not she will run, the question is: Where would this announcement take place and when? Is September too late? History tells us no, as Ronald Reagan entered late in the fall and went on to win the nomination and the Presidency.

Around the Conservative blogosphere:

Red State reports that Palin is not running, taking an exchange from her Iowa State Fair impromptu press conference – noting that she had to make a decision, which would allow her supporters who to support in a timely fashion as evidence that she is not running. Red State, one should note, held the conference where Rick Perry announced his candidacy – let the games begin.

Town Hall reports under Finance that Palin’s degree trumps Harvard’s, an understatement, but a small sliver of “endorsement” of Palin’s fiscal conservative credentials.

Perhaps most important, over the last two days, John McCain, 2008 GOP Nominee who brought Palin into the game, spoke on national talk shows and noted she would be a “formidable opponent”, (CBS News) – and Fox’s News Greta Van Suskeren, asked McCain the same on last night’s broadcast – he stopped short of endorsing her.

That said here’s a bit more that might give rise to the speculation for a run:

A Palin based group ison the ground with funds in New Hampshire, where the State GOP said there is no activity on the ground – however, candidates skip primaries strategically, therefore, one can anticipate that if Palin does enter the race, her focus may not be the northeast (immediately).

Is it September, or is it October?

Palin will be joining Glenn Beck on a “Defending the Republic” tour. Beck’s Tour’s highlight a variety of political figures, specifically Tea Party or independent, but the date and place of the Tour is interesting in and of itself.
St. Charles (St. Louis) MO – the date: October 7th at the Family Arena October and the Heartland? (Although Glenn Beck? Really?)

Or Possibly November?

Nov. 13, 1979
Reagan announces his candidacy for president. After winning the party's nomination, he chooses George Bush as his running mate. The platform calls for "a new consensus with all those across the land who share a community of values embodied in these words: family, work, neighborhood, peace, and freedom."

Nov. 4, 1980
Reagan is elected president in a landslide victory over incumbent Jimmy Carter.

Trying to second guess Sarah Palin may be a novel way to spend time, and the former Governor of Alaska certainly keeps the press and the rest of us guessing, however, considering the many comparisons made between Palin and Reagan, and knowing that Palin has a keen sense of history and its place in the grand scheme of American life and politics, one can look to Iowa, possibly, but one can also look further into October.

The rush of the pundits and the political establishment is all about the money, and Palin, although she will need those donors has a significant grass roots campaign already in place, supporters who would invest millions to see her vindicated, and a strong sense of what is right for her and for her nation. The emphasis is on the nation. Watching Palin over the past few years, one can only come to one conclusion: although she insists and rightly so that her family comes first, there is no doubt that she puts the Nation in the forefront, and since the state of the United States directly impacts her family, it would be her political and moral duty to step up to the plate in a leadership role. As President? That remains to be seen, and the time and place of any announcements will be Palin’s and Palin's alone. This is why there is such brouhaha over Rove’s presumptuous statements – that and the fact that it is Karl Rove.

Palin, ever the political animal, (and that is a grand complement) may hold a conference on September 4th, to announce just to stymie Rove – but one envisions Palin giving herself as a servant to the American People to the American People, regardless of any predictions Rove might make, and again, in her own time. She has a great reference to timing in Reagan, of which she is well aware.

From a Conservative Feminist Point of view, the sooner would be better, and the call “Run Sarah Run”, resounds, regardless of the establishment GOP, Sunday Talk Shows, and blogs such as this, the truth is: Palin appears to be the leader that has qualities and background in governing that would serve the American People well, being not too far to the right, but center – serving no politician and or political gain, but the public and the nation she truly and obviously loves – the question then becomes, does she have a choice?

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