Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sarah Palin 2012 – See you In September – From Pundits to the Press Belief that “She’s In” – What Took Them So Long?

Palin, Media in Frenzy, Iowa 2011 image Republican Redefined

Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska, 2008 GOP VP Nominee, and 2010 Congressional Makeover Artist, has indicated for the past twelve months or more, that she was considering a run for the White House in 2012. The Press, meanwhile, was focused on Palin’s daughter Bristol, and her appearance on “Dancing With the Stars, or any other opportunity to slam Palin either directly or through her family. Fox News Pundit, Karl Rove, was especially critical of Palin during this period, making several Fox New appearances, and letting Palin know just what this “old boy, from the old school, Washington Insider” though of her. Palin’s career, highlighted in the documentary “The Undefeated”, gives one the understanding that she is used to being maligned: by the Republican Party by the Press and by the Democrats (the later, only after she accepted the VP Nomination in 2008).
Over the last week, Palin, who had been in Ames IA during the Straw Poll, attending the State Fair, released the video below entitled “Iowa Passion”. Review the video and understand that this is the first shot heard round the Lower 48.

Apparently, Karl Rove, put down his chalkboard and watched the video (of course, there were other indicators, but for the sake of brevity, "Rove now believes that Palin will run for President."

Meanwhile, the media has ramped up watching every move she makes - this time to find a sign and “get the scoop” on her “announcement” – it’s a competitive industry. Knowing how much the press disdains Palin (see her surrounded in video above), it is becoming obvious, as the woes of our nation deepen, and as some of them have privately watched “The Undefeated”, the understanding of her political acumen, and experience, stamina and sheer will to take on the task – she may be the nation’s only hope, makes coverage critical.

From Politico: “Palin's Kansas City mystery tour”

“Sarah Palin apparently made a quick and, for her, unusually headline- and attention-free dash last week into Kansas City last home of the National World War I Museum.” (Politico)

First, the apparently “headline and attention free dash”, meant that Palin managed to evade the very media who is more interested in covering her, than she is being covered. (See Palin at Iowa State Fair, telling media to go follow someone else.) Secondly, the piece proves that any move Palin does make is a) of interest and b) must mean something!!

Yes, she may have wanted a moment of privacy or she’s gearing up her fundraising, or she’s being courted by an incumbent who may have to been as fiscally conservative as their constituents would prefer, and is in need of a little help from Sarah.

By way of example, The Hill Blog is now reporting that Palin’s power has reached the Senate, where Orin Hatch, is now trying to ingratiate himself with Palin in order to ensure his spot in the General Election. He’s facing a primary opponent, and without Palin’s support, may not make it onto the ballot.

She's a Powerful and Fair, Force to Be Reckoned With

She’s known to be outspoken, popular with a large percentage of the populace (not the Standard GOP, nor the White House, or Progressives, or, previously 100% of the media), but it is growing increasingly clear that the nation needs someone who has the ability to right wrongs, regardless of which Major Party Player, or special interest Group is Involved, will stand up for the people, has Tea Party Principals, and has been more thoroughly vetted than any other politician, living or dead (including all members of her family.)
With Sarah Palin, the nation knows there would be a champion of the people, not a champion of a political party. Closing: The Road to The White House, 2012, may be starting “late” in some pundits opinions, however, the fact that several recent two term Presidents did not announce until much later than their pre-primary opponents – Palin is: Tested, Vetted, Proven to Lead, Independent and Hopeful for the Future of the United States of America.

Finally, subscribe to Google News Alerts (Chose Comprehensive All Sources As they Occur), for all current GOP candidates, include Sarah Palin, note the discrepancy: 10 to1 over Romney and Perry, increase in the past week. Any Questions?

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