Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Mitt Romney Leaves $4.75 Tip at Child’s Lemonade Stand – New York Times calls Foul – Engaging in Obama’s Class Warfare?

Mitt Romney, Lemonade Fan, get's the "Bad Republican, Millionaire" treatment from the New York Times - image: mittromneycentral.com

Anyone who is aware of former Massachusetts Governor, 2008 GOP Presidential Candidate and 2012 Presidential GOP Candidate, Mitt Romney, understands the man has made some money in his lifetime – in fact, he would be categorized my some as “rich”. That said, apparently, it is a faux pax for a Republican candidate (or possibly anyone today) to a) carry $100 bills in a wallet if they are running for office, and or b) leave what the New York Times suggests is a large tip at a child’s lemonade stand.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the candidate should have been praised for his kindness towards a child who was out trying to make a few bucks by selling some lemonade, for encouraging the young entrepreneur who may one day become a small business (or large) owner – something that this nation needs and the whole premise of our financial system – free enterprise.

The article here at http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/04/mitt-romneys-5-lemonde is, at first glance, merely petty, however when one looks at the bigger picture so to speak, one understands that the “tag”, “millionaire presidential candidate”, fits in perfectly with incumbent Presidential candidate, Barack Obama’s “corporate jet” rant at a recent campaign stump speech and press conference where he used “corporate jets” in a “Carteresque” ”Three Martini Lunch” line, (a slur against big business used by Carter to "rally the poor" during Carter’s failed bid for re-election) In other words, the “Tax the Rich”, line but with a vengeance, and, some might suggest with consequences.

With the economy in shambles, to paint someone as a have, against the tide of have nots suggests that they are somehow “less worthy” for being well-to-do, and that someone having made “millions” is a negative. However, for anyone who invests, (in say even a 401K) or a young lemonade stand owner who dreams of one way having a big business, and possibly owning one of those jets so that they can travel from office to office or manufacturing plant to manufacturing plant (hopefully in the USA), that million dollars is a worthy goal. In other words, don’t’ buy that lottery ticket, or you too, may become a target of the “have nots”. Frankly, one who is “generous” and leaves a “decent tip” (above and beyond the 20%) at a restaurant, or where-ever tips might come into play, are helping those who are making either minimum wage, possibly working two jobs, or even hoping to save up for that nifty new bike, which helps out their parents, should be praised for their “good deeds”, especially since, the President, on the campaign trail in 2008 suggested that those “have’s” might “spread the wealth” to those who “have not”.

Obama, like Carter, and other progressives, somehow suggest that taxing corporate jet owners and making $3 billion in taxes off the deal, is going to alleviate the trillion dollar debt he’s got going and ensure continued entitlement programs. However, with stump speeches that are inflammatory, especially those coming from a President, might result in a group of the “have not’s” (underprivileged teens) feeling perfectly ok with say forming a mob of hundreds and robbing, pillaging and assaulting anyone who might even look like they “have” more – in places such as Delaware, Philadelphia, Chicago, Kansas City – (see article here). This from June 27th, with the President speaking on the same day, about “Republicans” siding with the “rich” (i.e.: “billionaires and corporate jet owners” as part of his ongoing attack against Republicans cutting the federal budget rather than taxing his way out of the massive mess.

Therefore, according to the New York Times, Romney, (bad guy who has “millions “and is a Republican to boot!) was wrong for carrying “$100 bills” at some point, and then giving a kid a generous tip. In other words, sharing in the Presidents current attempt to gain reelection through the use of class warfare – one has to wonder how many of those who have been victimized by any of the aforementioned “mobs of teens”, or those who might be making that six figure income, are feeling about the President these days?

Fortunately, those teens who are rampaging through the streets of whichever city is nearby – taking what they think the world owes them – because everyone’s check isn’t going too far what with the high unemployment rate and inflation on food and clothing through the roof, most likely aren’t reading the New York Times. However, these teens do listen to the “hate speech” about “the rich” from teachers, politicians and the like who are more anti-business and pro-“spread-the-wealth”.
The sad attempt to make Romney out to be some kind of bad guy because he is successful and left a generous tip at a lemonade stand is, in a word, shameless, campaign rhetoric (It is what it is), coming from what once was “the newspaper of record”.

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