Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Bannon’s “The Undefeated” – First Reviews Reveal Variety of Perceptions of Intended Political Targets – Trailer - Begs More

Stephen K Bannon, Harvard Business grad, Former Wall Street man, and conservative documentary filmmaker’s latest production’s pre-release reviews, leaves one wondering if those who actually reviewed the film watched the same movie. Without having seen the film, and therefore, unable to comment on the work specifically, it is interesting to note the differences in how the film is perceived by those blogs that have had access, the films intent, and the intended audience.

The fact that the film follows Sarah Palin’s rise in Alaskan’s politics, and actually tells the truth about Palin, should tell the readers, or viewers, that the film is what is it, a documentary about a woman who, despite having zero political connections, and a lot on her plate, took on the establishment (Both political parties and “Big Oil”), and won. In addition, before she had the unmitigated gall to run against Barack Obama (actually to be correct, she was the V.P. candidate, it was John McCain who ran against Obama in 2008, Palin was the one who drew the larger crowds and the media vitriol). Not unlike Hillary Clinton, also guilty of running and winning the 2008 Democrat Primary popular vote (a fact that gets lost once the DNC convention took place, literally threw those votes out the window, and Super-Delegated (those would be Politician’s) Barack Obama to the nomination, Clinton was treated as a woman – harassed, harangued, lampooned, and basically dismissed – and then came Sarah Palin, and the fans of Obama, ramped up the sexists garbage (for that is what is is) they dished out on Clinton, transferred it to Palin times 10, and they never quit. One does not have to live in a bubble not to get the point that the media and diehard Progressive Democrats hate Sarah Palin, blindly – without reason.

Apparently Bannon’s film supplies the reason, Palin is the real deal – and so the reviews begin.

The most level review to date has come from Human Event’s, Tony Lee: “The Undefeated:" Documentary Seeks to Reset Conventional Wisdom on Palin” - Mr. Lee reviews the film while noting facts such as which state’s will see the initial debut (Iowa, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Nevada), the film self-financed by director, Bannon, goes into the early career of Palin as Governor, which should, under any circumstances, raise questions as to who did the better job of vetting the candidates in 2008. Suggest reading the article for comparative purposes (see link on Title above). The final analysis – the film will appeal to independents, they are the intended target of this film, those who are not sure of Palin, but might vote for her if they understood that most of what has been written, is, plainly put, fantasy.

The second review from Salon (think Progress) by Matt Latimer, self-professed “former Bushie”, entitled: Six things to know about "The Undefeated” suggests the film is made for woman, simply because it documents the many times that Palin was harassed by the media, and therefore, logic follows vote for her. There is a paragraph that suggests Sarah Palin “actually was a good Governor”. Suggested reading to compare: link in Title.

Yes, one is Human Events (conservative) and one is Salon (not so much), written by a former “Bushie” (bells, whistles, and all sorts of warnings), however, these two in particular, serious or no, gives an insight into the thought process of the politically divided. The fact that these are more well-read blogs gives one the ability to understand how readers will react to each of the reviews – whether they would actually say watch a trailer.

Available at the Daily Caller: (who just happened to get a preview): ”A Sneak Peak of the New Palin Documentary Video” The review of the trailer is basically sparing, stating that the film is being released in conjunction with Palin’s bus tour – and then just highlights the clip. It does not offer the director’s name, and or where one might find more information – but it does sport that important “clip”. (Shown below - if embed not working: go to: daily caller

From those of us who in 2007 starting casting around for potential runners and running mates, and had occasion to look up a certain First Woman elected to the Alaskan Governor’s office, (being that Feminist), it is heartening to see some reality versus fiction available when it comes to Sarah Palin. She is ultimately qualified to serve the nation, and putting one’s feminist side – aside – it matters not who is in the ring with her, GOP establishment and presumptive heir to the “throne” Mitt Romney, or the current occupant of the White House”, she can beat them both. Which leaves those constant questions about when, or if she will enter the race, asked and answered.

For more information on Mr. Barron and his films: follow him on either Twitter or Facebook, or visit the following links to Mr. Bannon’s documentaries:

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