Sunday, March 06, 2011

Romney Comes Out Gunning for the Nomination – Remarks from the Granite State

Mitt Romney Charges Ahead - GOP 2012 - Photo Politico

In what Politico is calling an “unofficial kickoff” of former Massachusetts Governors, Mitt Romney’s “Granite State Campaign, Romney came out speaking of the President and pulled no punches – from saying it was time for a New President, to pulling down “Obama Care”, to using the “misery Index” term most associated with Former President Jimmy Carter, and attaching Obama’s name (justifiably so), Romney began his “unofficial campaign” hard in the State that gave him the nod in the 2008 GOP campaign.

Of interest is the defense of Massachusetts Health Care System, one which was exported nationally and is now one of the main hot button conservative issues with the President. Romney noted is was a states issue, however, the plan put into motion by the former Governor Romney, and then handed to a tax and spend Mass. Legislature and new Governor Deval Patrick, is not the same plan Romney had in mind originally – although mandates were a part of the original proposal.

The Boston Herald, came in with comments regarding the fact that being first in the first primary in the nation, does not always bode well for a candidate, choosing several recent races where a candidate won New Hampshire and went on to lose the nomination.
It would be hard to fathom Romney not being a front runner in his own state, he should have the support of the Massachusetts Republican Party, that said, rank and file, and independent leaning Republicans, may make other choices, and upend him in his own back yard – note to Huckabee, Gingrich, The Donald, Palin and anyone else thinking they might want to take a shot at Romney in some way shape or form – Massachusetts is not, repeat not, a winner take all state, and it takes more than three weeks to get an organization up and running to get the 15% necessary to put ones name on the ballot.
Since the majority of the front runners do have books in the marketplace, add a few stops to the Bay State, and the results may surprise you (we’re down the road from New Hampshire).

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