Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Nations That Educate Children As Martyrs to Islam, UK Shock over Pakistan Video belies reality of years of Hamas Training Children as Suicide Bombers

a Palestinian Mother and Child Pose Cannot Be Denied - image: zioneocon.blogspot moved to

The Word Looks Away

An article yesterday in the UK’s Daily Mail revealed a video that depicts children re-enacting a suicide bombing – one child is the bomber, while the others glorify the suicide (sub-titles). What is, perhaps, most shocking, is that journalist routinely ignore the fact that children in certain countries, are taught from an early age, to become suicide bombers. An organization, or Palestinian Media Watch, has released video evidence beginning in 2000, of Palestinian children being taught to hate the West and commit suicide in the name of religion. Further they post their videos on the organizations YouTube channel, a sample is shown below.

What is most disturbing regarding the Daily Mail revelation are the comments made by readers, arguing for the “game of suicide” as the norm in a variety of cultures – including the United States, where children played “Cowboys and Indians”. The problem with this theory is that, although children do play “war games”, those are treated as such, and from the U.S. perspective, war games were played out in backyards, not in the school room or on national TV. In addition, “Cowboys and Indians” were played from a perspective of history, rather than to create future wars between “Cowboys and Indians”. It is as if those children being brainwashed (for that is truly what these videos, played by adults to children in classroom settings) to become the next wave of suicide bombers. There are those protagonists that speak about the Children in Israel who are taught from an early age to defend themselves and their nation in the same light. The exception again, the Israeli’s do not glorify death in the name of God; it is a question of preparedness against their next door neighbors, who do just that.

The Palestinians even use Christianity in the narrative, to explain an ends to a means against the Jewish State (and by default the West (i.e. the U.S.), insisting that Jesus was the first Palestinian Martyr. It is apparent, that heads of States, and those who are paid by nations to achieve a means (Hamas via Iran), using children as the conduit, are well aware (or should be given their educational standards - most of these “elite” are educated in the UK and US) of World Religions, and the teachings of the same. It is the very perversion of religion, taught as truth to children in certain Islamic societies that should raise a hue and cry from every nation who has a penchant for human rights, and the protection of children. What is mind-boggling is that, evidence included, this scenario, suddenly discovered, is completely ignored, or considered justified in some cases. (Read comments section of the Daily Mail for full impact.)

The cult of death and teachings one’s children, has an economic advantage to Palestinian families, as they are paid when a member commits suicide. Yet another example of the use of the “Religion of Peace” to wage war by any means available. What of the mothers who are glorified in the Hamas videos by their countrymen, and children, as suicide bombers for Allah? Although these videos and evidence is relatively new (circa 2000), it follows that this type of education may have been taking place for decades, therefore, those women are no more or less brainwashed (and family compensated financially) than their children.

Although it is certainly arguable that the United States is in moral decline (and most certainly is given the rhetoric from those would be jihadists) given abortion, women’s rights, Gay and Lesbian rights, the Republic under which we live, takes the rights of all under consideration. In addition, the Judeo Christian Values upon which this nation was created, also instilled a sense of protection towards women and children, (granted imperfect) and has created law to protect the same. However, in those nations that teach hatred for the west, the aforementioned are seen as aberrations by the same groups that would teach their children to immolate themselves in the name of religion and state.

It is a catch-22, or is it the fact that the global media, in general, does not offer a hue and cry of shame on those would commit this most atrocious form of child abuse, (in basic terms), rather, it is ignored, while the Palestinian Cause is taught at Universities as pure. Historically, certain political philosophies do support educating children for the good of the state, or a particular political ideology. From Hitler, to the Progressive Movement in U.S. Classrooms, regardless of the fact that one promotes violence, while the other promotes a political ideology, the simple fact is that the end product is a child – your child, my child, a Palestinian child. In the United States, we would no sooner train our pets in this manner.

It is through education, based in fact, not in political theories, which will win the hearts and minds of future generations. Organized religions and political movements have no place in the classroom, period. If the UN had any relevance at all, those nations that support this type of child abuse, would be countered with monies better spend on an attempt to reeducate, be it through flyers dropped, and or despots removed.

It is also, perhaps, a question every mother in the United States should be asking of their Senators, and Congressional Representative, given that our children are viewed as the highest priority of mothers, and a national treasure, why are we not more pro-active in freeing the minds of those who would murder our children in the name of religion, be it a cut in funding, or though use of broadcasts, leaflet drops. Certainly, any action of this type would be seen as meddling, yet our foreign policy continues to meddle, for much less worthy causes. Government aside, another question arises, where is organized religion (Christian Denominations, especially Catholics) on this question? Perhaps with the United Nations who has ”strongly condemned” the use of children as human bombs.'

Strongly condemned.

Those two words carry little weight in the real worlds, and only serve as a reminder to those who continue the abuse unabated, that there will be no consequences – they carry on as usual. These nations carry on much in the same way Hitler did in the late 1930’s, with no interference, in plain sight, as the nations “strongly condemned” until they were forced to take action after millions of innocents were murdered (Jews, Catholics, Gypsies, any German Political opponent), and only in the name of self-preservation, not to save a single soul. The only way in which to ensure that your children are at the very least, aware of the impact of indoctrination in the classroom is to offer them options and the truth, otherwise, leaving it to those who follow doctrines, or “Strongly condemn” sets the stage for the future, one which places our children in peril.

Video Children Brainwashed in Palestine

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