Friday, March 04, 2011

Dr. Jay Fleitman Elected Chair of Western Mass Republicans

Dr. Jay Fleitman - image Hampshire Gazette

Dr. Jay Fleitman, who ran for the Massachusetts 2nd District Congressional seat in 2010, a former Northampton School Committee Member, and Chair of the Northampton Board of Health was elected this week as Chairman of the Western Mass Republicans. The election, which took place at The Warehouse in Holyoke, hosted over one hundred Republican and Tea Party activists from throughout Western Massachusetts for this annual meeting held to fill the position left by departing Chairperson CeCE Calabrese of Agawam.

The Western Mass Republicans is an organization designed to assist and coordinate Republican activities in the Pioneer Valley. Dr. Fleitman, who also writes a column for the Daily Hampshire Gazette, faced former Governor’s Council candidate, Mike Franco of Chicopee for the Chair of this regional political action committee.

Although Massachusetts is often thought of as the “Bluest State” due to the local, State and Federal offices held by a majority of Democrats, the Republican Party has grown over the past two years in the Bay State, and had over 270 candidates running for Local, State and Federal offices in 2010. The bulk of the voters in Massachusetts, over 50% are registered unenrolleds, and during the 2010 Midterms there was a surge in Republican enrollment, just days before the elections (CBS 3 Springfield). One can anticipate those numbers to continue to rise going into the 2012 General Election.

Western Mass Republicans Western Mass Republicans. com

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Jay!!

    Ralph Rose & Eileen O'Farrell


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