Friday, March 11, 2011

AP - Mike Huckabee’s “Gaffes” Real or Ploys? – 2012 Frontrunners – Show Me - Huckabee Leads Obama in Missouri PPP Poll

Huckabee Taking it All in Stride photo sogoodblog

The Associated Press released an article this morning entitled : “Analysis: Was Huckabee's week a stumble or a ploy?” in which the probing questions are – would two comments Huckabee made during radio interviews last week, derail any hopes of a presidential run. The piece includes the obligatory Professor of Political Science, and one Political Insider – giving one the impression that this is an article that is complete with authority. Seriously. Huckabee’s comments on Obama’s place of birth, given his stance on the “birthed issue” as being ridiculous, is fodder for his competition, nothing more nothing else, and easily explained away. Any politician who has never made a gaffe, of any sort, including the current President, is non-existent. It happens, that is hardly calculated.

When he spoke about a Hollywood starlet who was pregnant as being a poor role model, he actually has a point, which drives the left and left coasts crazy, along with Hollywood. This of course, from a mother’s point of view only – those whose one children’s tend to idolize, have great influence. Big deal? Only to the parent whose child actually pays attention to those matinee idols whose morals are what they are – and who have the financial capital to support themselves – unlike most 15 to17 year olds.

They wonder if Huckabee will make more gaffes of this sort – you betcha – so will the rest of the candidates or potential candidates as the political season of 2011-2012 goes into full swing. Are they calculated, one would be living under a rock not to thinks so.

Huckabee, a two and a half term Governor (State of Arkansas), is leading in polling nationwide, along with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin, who round out the top three – anything any of them say or do from last November (immediately following the 2010 midterms) is bound to be “fodder” for the press. What this article tells us, is that the AP is keeping Huckabee front and center, as this is truly non-news as all was rehashed over the preceding week.

Public Policy Polling released their latest state by state Presidential Race poll Missouri, where Huckabee leads Obama by 49-43 – an actual improvement for the President, over the last poll (49-42). Romney continues to do well, but Obama has gained some ground there, with a lead of 43-42. (See entire poll analysis here).

Should Huckabee, after finishing his "Should I run for President fact-finding book tour at end Spring/early summer", decide to run, it is going to be interesting to see how a minor statement over a minor Hollywood celebrity will, undoubtedly be – front page news!

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