Monday, March 14, 2011

2012 GOP Update: Huckabee Leads In Iowa Polls

From: Business Insider Mike Huckabee, out of a field of eleven possible contenders (including “unknown), leads with percent in this Iowa based poll. Palin Follows by 14%, with Romney and Gingrich in the 13 percent range. Trump included in the polls has 9% besting Haley Barbour and Mitch Daniels.

According to Business Insider and the Poll Marginals, the biggest surprise to those reporting websites is the fact that Huckabee is leading Sarah Palin among women.

Although exceptionally early in the polling stages (see reality October 2011 forward) to get an idea of any clear front runners after the dust settles and the declaration of intent to run are finalized, it is interesting that Huckabee continues to lead in most polls, especially those by Public Policy Polling a Democrat leaning pollster.

Huckabee and Palin both are less Washington Insider, and more Prime Time than other “candidates” at the movement. If one were to speculate at this point, it appears that Mike Huckabee, currently on book tour, will be able to join the contest (should he decide) in the summer with little to no harm to his popularity. It will be one of the most interesting field of GOP candidates in recent memory should all of those mentioned in the poll actually throw their proverbial hats in the ring.

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